Product Improvements: Flexible
Cloudways values its customers and their feedback! You can now give us your feedback on how we can improve Cloudways services, solution and products by pitching in your ideas!
141 results found
How to play among us
Engaging Combat Scenarios among us: Engage in heart-pounding combat with armed insurgents. Every battle requires precise execution and fast thinking in order to defeat your opponents and go further.
1 vote -
Add dashboard customization for Apache
Just like Nginx, PHP, and MySQL, having Apache settings customizable within the dashboard would be incredibly useful. This would allow users to fine-tune Apache configurations directly, improving performance and memory efficiency without needing to access the terminal.
Why this matters:
User-friendly optimization: Gives users more control over server tuning directly from the dashboard.
Enhanced server performance: Allows quick adjustments to optimize server behavior for better efficiency.While I want access to mpm_prefork.conf setting for better mem management of a low traffic folio site, I'm sure some people want access to Custom errordocs, Filecache size, and timeout/keepalive settings.
1 vote -
Make It Easier To Permanently Block IPs
In the Firewall list, current "offenders" are displayed with a TTL for when they will fall off the blacklist. For example, a reCAPTCHA exploit from a specific IP address might be auto-blacklisted for 6 hours, that sort of thing. It would be great to be able to click the 3-dot action menu and have an option to simply permanently blacklist the offending IP or country (drop the TTL) in one step. Currently, we have to manually copy the IP address. Remove the temporary blacklist. Click the Add Custom Rule button and add them back. Should be a one-click operation if…
1 vote -
Allow Bulk IP Import To Firewall
Currently one must enter a single IP at a time to the Firewall whitelist or blacklist. A text area where one could copy and paste an IP list would be better. My uptime service has 100+ IP's for distributed uptime checks and entering these one at a time for multiple servers I manage is impractical to say the least. It would be trivial to process a textarea input of of addresses delimited by line feeds.
1 vote -
Allow changing when the full backup runs
Currently the backup process do a full backup every 7 days, with no option to change that (confirmed by the tech support).
If you have a large amount of files then running the full backup this generates a huge spike in bandwidth usage and also affects the CPU load for an extended period of time (in my case 25% load for 2.5 hours).
I suggest to have an option in the control panel to specify the number of days between full backups.
1 vote -
PHP Timezone - Berlin - Germany
Add a PHP Timezone for Berlin - Germany (GMT +01:00)
1 vote -
[BUG] Restarting server should NOT reset timezone settings!
See ticket #515245. I already reported this last Nov 2023 and happened to me this April 2024. Still not fixed!
Server restart (either purposely or because of payment issues) should NOT reset the timezone. But rather SHOULD retain timezone settings.
This is super hassle.
2 votes -
Allow users to enable PHP extensions that do not already exist on Cloudways.
For many applications, plugins, etc. - we may need to enable PHP extensions that aren't already enabled - and are not explicitly set in the "disable php extensions" list.
(eg. settimelimit() )
1 vote -
API to detect idle cpu usage
I need an an API to detect the level of server CPU usage at every given point in time that I can implement in php to when when to execute certain high CPU tasking queries or not? I want to get the idle CPU percentage via php. Is it hard to provide, develop or give out to client.
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IPv6 support for AAAA DNS entries
We need an ipv6 address for servers to link in the DNS settings.
14 votes -
To create a staging site /wp-admin URL under access details for a staging site.
There is a need to access a staging site's wp-admin URL. However, I could not find it as there is no "admin panel" under "access details" in Cloudways' application setting.
1 vote -
please store domain names
please store domain names on the server and affordably
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New API for Used Space in Applications
Dear Cloudways Team,
I hope you're doing well! 😊 I've been loving using Cloudways for my projects, and I have an idea that I believe would make things even more incredible.
It would be fantastic to have an API that gives us the total space used by all applications on a server. This would make resource management a breeze and decision-making even smoother. Just imagine how awesome that would be!
Can we make this happen? I'm sure many developers would be thrilled.
Thank you for your ongoing time and effort to make Cloudways better and better. You guys rock! 🚀
1 vote -
Multisite - New ssl unregistration issue due to expired domain, work automation fail
- We are running a multi-site.
- You have registered a new cloudway domain and ssl to add a new site.
- Your ssl registration has been denied. I found out the cause through your support.
- The cause was that some of the existing registered domains no longer point to my server.
- For resolution, expired domains were deleted from all networks.
- Request a review to prevent problems: I hope the cloudway will be improved so that even if the domain registered with the existing server expires, it will not affect the entire network setting.
This is a fatal issue that requires manual management…
1 vote -
Please provide the load balancers to handle the high traffic
Please provide the load balancers to handle the high traffic
1 vote -
Add option to increase Cache Size
As of now there is no option to increase the max allowed size for Radis and maybe Varnish Cache as well.
Can you please add the option to set the cache size per application so we can allocate more resources to larger applications.
A simple WooCommerce site is easily maxing out the Radis cache and causing significant slow loading of variations.
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Maintenance Mode for sites using CloudFlare
Display a maintenance page, or ability to redirect to another URL, when either a server upgrade is in process or when the server is not available. This feature called waiting room is available on cloduflare but not for cloudways users.
2 votes -
Reinstate the generation of CSR
Reinstate the generation of CSR. Why has this been removed, are you trying to make the process of installing a new SSL less streamlined?
What other things will you start removing in future?
1 vote -
ipv6 whitelist
Add the option to whitelist ipv6
2 votes -
Auto notification (by email) when a server is down!!!!
When maintenance is done by the server provider (not by clodways), for example, vultr, it can happen that the server simply goes down and there is no notification about it. This is a critical issue! We must be notified immediately when a server goes down! This is essential!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?