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Product Improvements: Flexible

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37 results found

  1. please made php 8.3 available on server because it is 50 percent faster than older versions

    please made php 8.3 available on server because it is 50 percent faster than older versions

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Please make New AWS data center in Dubai, UAE available

    AWS has opened the new data center in Dubai, UAE for powering middle east business sites and its now operational. please make Dubai, UAE data center available to choose in cloudways AWS Plans. Please check link below for official confirmation by amazon for opening a new data center in UAE.

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  4. DigitalOcean NVMe SSD Plans

    DigitalOcean has launched NVMe options, Please check here:

    Kindly add Intel & AMD CPU Options to Cloudways that comes with NVMe SSD's

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  5. Running reds versions is 2+ years old

    Deployed Redis versions is Redis 5.0.3 (Released Tue Dec 11 18:17:26 CET 2018)

    Since the release of 5.0.3. REDIS had 17 updates(!)

    When can we see an update?



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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded


    We have deployed the latest stable version i.e. 6.2 across all servers.

    Cloudways Team

  6. Ion Cube Loader for PHP 7.4

    Ion Cube Loader for PHP 7.4.
    This will be greatly useful for all the users of the extremely popular wordpress theme (Flatsome). All these users will be able to benefit from faster speeds and greater security.
    Thank you

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  7. Please activate the Bahrain AWS datacenter

    Please enable it asap, as it will be beneficial for us serving the Middle East.

    Thanks and regards

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  8. Control Panel-based toggle to enforce https

    Instead of forcing us to dig up the htaccess file for modifications, make this a simple Control Panel-based modification.

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  9. Add local font files to nginx config (leverage browser caching)

    Actually only the following files are served from nginx with proper HTTP headers for browser caching and character sets.


    Please a local font files with the following extensions too:


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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded


    Thanks for sharing your valuable feedback we have now expanded our static content list to the following extensions

    html, htm, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, ico, css, zip, tgz, gz, bz2, pdf, odt, txt, tar, bmp, rtf, js, swf, avi, mp4, mp3, ogg, flv, svg, rar, wmv, htc, mpeg, mpg, otf, woff, woff2, ttf, , eot, webp

    Cloudways Team

  10. GeoIP with Varnish 4 vmod

    I have GeoIP country switcher on my woocommerce site.
    But when I use with Varnish, it forces back to the country which the GeoIP detects instead of the one user wahts to change to. Once Varnish deactivated, country switcher works properly. First detection correct as well as manual change of the country possible.
    This module should solve the issue.

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  11. DigitalOcean High CPU Instance Support

    You support high cpu instances for AWS and Google Cloud but not DigitalOcean.

    Can you include support for choosing different instance types for DigitalOcean such as their high CPU Instance?

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  12. Please upgrade DigitalOcean Droplets

    DigitalOcean has upgraded their droplet without an increase in pricing:

    Please upgrade CloudWays DO droplets with newer plans.

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  13. Add geo detection capabilities into Varnish

    Please add geo detection capabilities into Varnish, this will accelerate use case scenarios where geo detection is essential.

    For e.g. in WooCommerce, their current method to provide multi-currency that's compatible with cache is using Woocommerce based geo detection, which tends redirects the visitor 4 times to the correct URL of the page with the correct currency/tax displayed.

    Other multi-currency plugins attempt improve this but their loading speeds are too slow, drastically affecting woocommerce store loading times, and making caching useless.

    By having geo detection capabilities right in the server stack (Nginx or Varnish, which ever is hit first by visitors)…

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  14. Provide newer version on Nginx

    Please consider providing a newer stable version of Nginx.

    New servers are still installed with 1.8.x which has bugs, most significantly this:

    The bug causes major incompatibility between PrestaShop and Nginx when HTTP/2 is enabled. Ie. you can't add products to the shopping cart etc.

    I understand that you don't wan't to be first mover on new version, but 1.8 is quite old by now.

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    We are already offering the Latest stable version i.e. 1.19.8 across all Cloudways servers.

  15. Allow Supervisor installation for laravel queue workers

    As Laravel mention in its docs, to keep a queue worker deamon alive, you have to confgure supervizor.. Laravel Forge has in its default app stack supervizor installed and a UI for its config.

    Please install supervizor in laravel stack apps, Redis is great, and thank you, but we still need supervizor to keep queues deamon alive

    Queues are used for jobs, event handling, mails, notifications

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  16. Add application domains that support 'www.' prefix as well as without

    To help test redirects to a 'www.' pages without addition setup or save headaches when moving sites to cloudways that already have 'www.' redirects

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  17. Add Digital Ocean Block Storage Option

    Add support for Digital Ocean's Block Storage add-on. This will allow us to not have to scale entire server for more storage space. This also allows for more options away from the more expensive AWS or Google services for more storage space.

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  18. Add additional locales

    Allow generation of additional locales.

    Currently only

    • C
    • C.UTF-8
    • en_US.utf8
    • POSIX

    are generated on the system.

    We need country specific locales for internationalization (e.g. money formats, date formats, etc.)

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    You can now set your chosen locale under Settings & Packages → Advances → Locales.

    Cloudways Team

  19. Possibility to disable xDebug

    It is known that in a production environment having xDebug enabled is a performance issue. Having a switch to toggle xDebug would improve most of the production servers where nobody really needs xDebug.

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    Xdebug is now disabled by default on all servers (new and existing) and you can easily enable/disable it from Server Settings.

    Cloudways Team

  20. 5 votes

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    We have disabled 404 not found error logging on Nginx for static content. such errors will not be visible anymore.


    Cloudways Team

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