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Product Improvements: Flexible

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141 results found

  1. Reseller Hosting

    Please Add resale services

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  2. Allow to change server time zone

    Allow to change server timezone.
    Please to allow customer to change the servertimezone.
    I have difficulties to make cronjob, because there is different time between php & server time. I have cronjob to generate/update report in magento for every 5 minutes, then send it in end of day (around 23:xx). But, since the server time is different the report actually not complete & different with Magento report. please consider this.


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  3. Accept custom commands for Supervisord

    As of now, the supervisord setting in the application setting is only for laravel queue worker. It would be nice if we can add our own custom supervisord configuration setting for other services. I really want to implement websockets into my application. The idea is simple, you allow us to create new supervisord configuration, then we would just paste our desire configuration into a textarea, and there's a button that we can click to restart the supervisord after adding new configuration.

    command=/usr/bin/php /home/laravel-echo/laravel-websockets/artisan websockets:serve

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  4. Setup simple email or slack notification when CPU, Memory, or Bandwidth Usage Exceeds ___% for ___ minutes

    Add the ability for us to sign up for email or Slack notifications when CPU, Memory, or Bandwidth usage exceeds _% for _ minutes. This idea came from a similar feature on Digital Ocean.

    See the configuration wizard and steps at

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  5. Allow us to be able to implement additional security headers.

    I'd like to have the abiity to implement the following headers on NginX and Apache so I can convince my clients they can pass Header Security Test in conjunction with PCI/DSS. The following are recommendations.

    NginX Headers
    addheader X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;
    header X-Xss-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always;

    Apache Headers
    Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Header always set X-Xss-Protection "1; mode=block"
    Header always set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"

    Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

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  6. Add option to send a backup to dropbox or other cloud storage provider in the Cloudways Console

    Add option to send a backup to dropbox or other cloud storage provider in the Cloudways Console

    Right now it's a slow process having to go to FTP client and download backup.

    Add option to send a backup to dropbox or other cloud storage provider in the Cloudways Console.

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  7. Add access to Digital Ocean Private networking / local IP

    Digital ocean already provides Private networking through 10.x.x.x IP addresses for droplets in the same region. It would be very helpful to pass this setting through to Cloudways server options and control panel to more efficiently network servers.

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    Cloudways responded

    Can you give us an example on how you would use this within the context of Cloudways service?

    Cloudways Team

  8. Seperate funding for each server

    We are a creative agency that creates websites for our clients. We would like to have all our client servers under one roof, our account. As we receive yearly payment of hosting fees in advance, we would like to charge each server with its own funding amount.

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  9. Remote access for xDebug

    Currently the configuration of the Cloudways instances doesn't allow the remote use of xDebug. Allowing this, will allow developers to use the Cloudways applications for development purpose and allow them to debug the code as if they were on a local environment.

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  10. Unique IP per site installed on server

    The ability to add a unqiue IP to each site on a server.

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  11. IPv6 support for AAAA DNS entries

    We need an ipv6 address for servers to link in the DNS settings.

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  12. Disable memcached

    I would like the option to disable Memcached. When you have Redis running, there's no need for memcached to be taking resources. I have seen sometimes it has 4-5 processes running.

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  13. Enabling CORS (cross-origin resource sharing)

    Currently Cross-Origin Request is Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource

    Would be helpful if we can Enable CORS

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  14. Edit .bashrc

    Have the possibility to edit .bashrc file to add items to PATH variable. Currently is not possible to do that as you need to have root/sudo access to edit .bashrc

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  15. Enable downgrade without IP-address changes

    It would be nice if you could downgrade a server without loosing the IP-address.
    Or if you could clone an application to another server and move the IP-address with it.
    This could be done by giving the possibility to switch IP-addresses between my own existing servers.

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  16. Add option to enable TCP forwarding in SSH Server

    Add a toggle for TCP forwarding in the SSH Server to the advanced tab in the Server Settings (default off) to enable Remote Development over SSH in Visual Studio: Code.

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  17. Fail over to a different server

    setup failover site on the different servers and in case of failover you can autoswitch the site to the failover

    i.e Main site on AWS large, fail site on AWS small or Ocean Drop or other provider

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  18. Configuration Variables (Environment variables)

    Would love to add configuration variables just like Heroku.

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  19. add option to specify swap file size

    Normally the swap file size is configured for optimal performance of the server. However there are times that you need a little more memory even at the cost of lower performance (especially if that need is temporary and circumstancial). In these cases it would be useful to be able to change the swap file size (within reasonable limits).

    One such case occurred to me when I tried to use composer on a magento 2 app, on a 1GB server. 1GB RAM + 256MB swap is simply not enough for composer to run successfully. The only option is to move to…

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  20. PHP-FPM Pool Process Manager (pm) Settings

    Being able to set these in the Settings & Packages section would be great.

    pm.maxchildren = # The hard-limit total number of processes allowed
    servers = # When php-fpm starts, have this many processes waiting for requests
    pm.minspareservers = # Number spare processes php-fpm will create
    pm.maxspareservers = # Max number of spare (waiting for connections) processes allowed to be created
    pm.processidletimeout = #

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