Reseller Hosting
Please Add resale services

Darren Player commented
nice if cloudways offered reseller packages
Axel Racer commented
i need to transfert my due and all
Agencia Rompela commented
Very nice idea, i think cloudways can be offer a lot of new stacks to choose and more options like block storage, some of the vps choices have this service to scale the servers.
We have a Digital Marketing Agency in Chile, and we offer to our clients the web hosting, if we can chose some reseller hosting option will be a big improvement to our services beside wordpress aplication. -
Chris commented
Every freelancer, designer and developer needs this badly.
Please allow markup billing at app level and automatic disabling of apps for non payment. Please white label filepaths and URLs.This would be absolutely amazing.
mgk commented
There is an article on Cloudways that leads one to believe that reselling is possible. However, it's nothing more than a workaround. A true reselling solution would have the necessary infrastructure to separate billing by servers. I would love to see that!
Anonymous commented
I would love to see separate billing areas per server. This feature would bring a type of 'Reseller' account feature closer. I don't want to deal with one bill for all my servers and then have to figure out which client gave me how much etc etc...!
Frank commented
I am reseller of godaddy with over 5000 customers. would love to resell this instead!
Anonymous commented
Please implement this. I would move 20 clients immediately if you had this option. Branding file paths is really not good.
Rob commented
I'm looking for a white label hosting service and would LOVE if you guys figured this out for us to go make you more money!
Anonymous commented
al least have the option to rebrand or set as unbranded in the admin area
Anonymous commented
Remove your branding from file paths as default. Also supply unbranded cache plugin. Resellers like myself do not want this and it is a real problem. Server pilot do not have their branding everywhere and it just make a barrier to using your service ie ‘/home/master/application/NAME-of-APPLICATION/public_html rather than /home/
Abdul commented
Every Web Agency or Free lance Developers would need this serivices but also at the same time they want their brand name to be highlited for this . If we get that option nothing like it ...
Thilina commented
Need to develop client account control such as limit number of application installation per project or member, limit bandwidth, limit disk quote... etc.
As the second point, It would be great if can add an option to hide previous support tickets for selected team members. Currently when I check "Support Access" under permission then that user can access to any of the support ticket including attachments, login details... etc.
Also, I think better if you can can create a hide/disable option for application login credentials.
I hope your amazing team can develop this platform day by day. -
Wolf Bishop commented
it does not give me control over the access customers have, and it is not whitelabeld.
Daniel commented
Out of all current ideas, this is number 4. I would have thought this would be on the roadmap for sure. Come on Cloudways, you can gear this to make more money and make a lot of clients happy.
Matt commented
Reseller isn't really necessary the plan pricing offered a larger set of benefits with the higher-tiered prices or for the number of servers under a given account.
For instance, at the $7/month plan, a client who's coming to me for hosting is not going to be thrilled that I'm charing (for example) $30/month when they can the same hosting resources for $7/month if they were to pay Cloudways directly. Or worse...if I'm subscribed at a higher price point but then divvy up the resources between 10 clients, they are actually getting less for their money by 'sharing' the resources.
Website Helper commented
Instead of offering a reseller option they should offer a discount on long-term use (like GC do) or on the amount of VMs deployed. The pricing on GC instances don't really add up, the margin from a 1.7GB shared VM to a 3.75GB VM is pretty extreme. Don't get me wrong, it is a great platform for those who don't want to manage servers but I feel transparency on pricing is needed. I am still weighing up the odds of using Cloudways vs ServerPilot.
Kobi Bentata commented
As an owner of a small business working mainly on building websites for business customers, I would very much like to see also the option of selling my clients various hosting plans under my account. In this case, features like File Manager, Disk Usage, maybe even an entire cPanel and so on will be very critical!
Dirk commented
Please DO add this feature. It seems like a small change with the API that is already available. The only thing really needed is the root folder structure to be (optionally) renamed to something that does not contain cloudways. IMO everything else needed for (white-label) reselling is already possible.
Chris commented
Like a few have already said - please *don't* add this as a feature. Focus on your core platform.