Allow existing Cloudways customer accounts to be added as team members to projects in another account
Essentially, when adding team members to a project, trying to add a user with an email address that is already a customer of cloudways (has an existing account via that email address), will result in an error notification - "You cannot add this email as team member. Use a different email for this user or contact support for more information."
This seems problematic as, with a client on more than one project or across a different account, one can only add the same client by insisting the client maintain several email address for each instance of a team member addition.
I hope that problems makes sense, as the current limitation doesn't make sense to me.

Donald McGuinn commented
Cecil commented
I'm actually going to bump this issue simply because it was already brought up and supposedly addressed, but still seems to be an ongoing issue as per this post -{toggle_previous_statuses}
Anonymous commented
Allowing a primary account to be team member on other Cloudways accounts is required.