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Product Improvements: Flexible

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45 results found

  1. Integrate SitePad

    It's an static site generator -built by Softaculous- which needs to be integrated into the control panel. It would be useful because this kind of websites is the new trend and allows to make simple applications without installing a full-blown WordPress instance.

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  2. Create Payoneer PAYOUT METHOD

    Create Integration with Payoneer in PAYOUT METHOD for affiliate program, will give the opportunity to work with other countries that cannot receive PayPal payments more comfortably. I hope you can. because there are too many clients.

    You can find it Here ^_^

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  3. Atomic Git deployment ( no downtime )

    I know you have git web hook and git deployment via a pull but I would love to see more functionality here. For example and offer no downtime full pull with ability to run commands such as composer update. Also to be able to store say 6 versions of recent pulls.

    You could have a releases folder and a current folder with a symlink to the latest release. This would enable the new website to only go live one full set of files and commands have been executed before updating symlink. Also enables you to go back to…

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  4. API integration with Zapier

    Fully integration with Zapier to automate the process.

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  5. Deploy via GitHub Actions

    Hi. You should develop a GitHub Action for a better automatic deployment, like Netlify's ( since it's a more reliable way than using webhooks and custom PHP.

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  6. 5 votes

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  7. Automate auto purge for Cloudways CDN

    Breeze cache has a feature for automatically purging the cache after x minutes. This feature should also be added to Cloudways CDN so that you don't have to do it yourself. Most of the time, I forget to purge the CDN cache which i think other people forget to do as well, therefore this would be a nice feature.

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  8. INTERGRATIONS be given a priority one as we, customers would like things going faster

    Make integrations a priority one as it facilitates matters for both client and

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  9. Add Cloudways Bot to Google Chat, similar to how it works in slack

    Add Cloudways Bot to Google Chat, similar to how it works in slack

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  10. European mailprovider

    Adding an European mailprovider for GDPR purposes.

    Rackspace is no good option because of the mailserver location. So no option is available except external ones like gSuite or Windowsmail/365.

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  11. Have integration from Github or Docker - eg Assetnote integration from my github

    I want to run a project called Assetnote etc which does passive DNS enumeration which runs on a virtual server

    I want to know if 1) there is already an instance running I could copy the content eg certain dependencies needed to run it

    2 If we can clone from a github repo or load from docker image to set up the server - people typically run Assetnote on Digital ocean its a python based program with a web frontend.

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  12. Disk Usage in Cloudways API

    As the title says. We have the disk usage per application in the platform. Why not in the API?

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  13. Caching of outgoing rest requests

    Rest requests from a cloudways service / server to a service outside the cloudways platform shall be cached by varnish.
    Caching time (TTL) should be configurable.

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  14. Add an API endpoint to GET SSH keys

    You have a way to add, update, and delete SSH keys via the API, but there is no way to list SSH keys. Therefore, if you want to update or delete an SSH key (especially one that you added via the control panel) there is no way to do it via the API because you don't know the SSH key ID.

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  15. Add support for Git deployment via Visual Studio Team Services

    Would be good to be able to deploy Wordpress Websites using Git Deployment on Microsoft's Visual Studio Team Services in addition to the Github integration.

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  16. Implement NIXStats as alternative to New Relic which is no longer free


    Since New Relic is no longer free to use it's no longer possible to see detailed server health in a dashboard view. A free alternative would be NIXstats.

    I've tested it on one of my own servers and it looks very promising.
    Please add this to the CW approved tools.

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  17. Offer additional Server Monitoring choices

    Integrate additional 3rd party monitoring tools eg: Site24x7, NixStats, Anturis.

    NR works I think, but it's not the easiest dashboard to monitor.

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  18. Increase and decrease RAM and CPU

    I think that it would be really cool to integrate option for increasing and decreasing RAM and CPU only without increasing storage space, which can be done on Digital Ocean platform. Right now we can only increase entire package, but can't decrease it, while on Digital Ocean I can just increase RAM and CPU when my server is busy for few hours and just decrease it when I don't need it.

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  19. Please Install GhostScript

    Please install Ghostscript. ImageMagick, happens to be enabled on the servers but not GhostScript?

    Per the ImageMagick site: "While it is not a requirement, it is strongly recommended that the Ghostscript package be installed"

    Seems silly it's not, as it's kind a hand in hand combo. Not to mention required for tools such as GraphicsMagick and such..

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  20. Get MySQL Access through API

    Cloudways API is really great to use, but there's only one thing missing while using the API. I can't get the database / mysql credentials from db name, user, and password.

    It's really needed for developers who want to build automation through API. Please consider to allow us just to READ / GET those 3 credentials access.


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