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Product Improvements: Flexible

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141 results found

  1. Make server settings and packages transferrable or export/importable

    Context: You don't provide root access or downscaling for Digital Ocean, Lincode, or Vulture servers (3/5 of your providers). Also, you only provide 1-1 or upscaled server cloning for these providers.

    Use case: I scaled up my Digital Ocean development server to handle a taxing dev. After I cloned the completed app to my production server, I had to:

    1. Create a new, smaller DO server
    2. Readjust all of my server settings, packages, and customizations
    3. Clone each dev app individually.

    Alternative: Since you provide automated workarounds for your lack of root access, provide a similar, automated workaround for "downscaling" servers.

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  2. Server Settings Default

    Make it if you don't add a number character to one of your 'Server Settings' it should just save as DEFAULT. At the moment you need to add a character in order to save your settings. I want to be able to change a certain server setting back to default but there is no option.

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  3. a way to set haproxy.config for load balancing

    i want to be hosting javascript apps , but i need seo so i am using's haproxy's settings , but i cant set it on the dashboard

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  4. Allow application credential to overwrite files owned by master credential

    So, I created an application credential for a client to their HTML based website. The client reports back that they can add new folders and add new files but can't overwrite the original file.
    This is because the application credential can't edit files owned by the master credential. I had to reach out to Cloudways support to assist on this.

    Could we have an option to allow application credential to overwrite the files owned by master credential?

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  5. Setup simple email or slack notification when CPU, Memory, or Bandwidth Usage Exceeds ___% for ___ minutes

    Add the ability for us to sign up for email or Slack notifications when CPU, Memory, or Bandwidth usage exceeds _% for _ minutes. This idea came from a similar feature on Digital Ocean.

    See the configuration wizard and steps at

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  6. Unique IP per site installed on server

    The ability to add a unqiue IP to each site on a server.

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  7. Provide settings to configure logging to a remote syslog server (+TLS)

    We use a centralised syslog server to monitor our sites. We are unable to link our Cloudways servers to this as we do not have root / sudo access to our own servers which is frustrating. Please can you add settings to the platform to allow us to configure logging to a remote syslog server (with TLS).

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  8. Make a server setting to toggle outbound email off

    We need a simple, error-free way to be 100% certain that no outbound emails can be sent from a test / staging server. Can we have a server setting to toggle this on & off? Or even better, redirect all mail to an address we provide or to a log file to 'catch' all outbound mail?

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  9. Easy text warning on Let's Encrypt failures

    Twice now I have had problems with servers where I had to wait for a Let's Encrypt imposed 8-12 hour ban from creating an SSL cert because I tried and failed too many times.

    It would be great if you would warn me after 2-3 failures that repeated attempts may cause this and to contact support for more help. Just a text reminder in the error message would be great, thanks!

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  10. Clean cache


    Last days my websites got slower and slower on backend, so I contated support and they said they had cleared my server cache and it should be fine and really was ...

    so I have asked them if I can do this by myself and they told me not yet ...

    so I am suggesting to do that as new feature as one click varnich clear, also to clear cache (don't know what type of cache, but that was what I was told from support..


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  11. Server SMTP configuration is not working properly.

    Currently if you have already configured the SMTP on a server Cloudways seems to remember your previous credentials and tries to enter them again. I've just spent half an hour trying to set up SendGrid on the Server SMTP. Everytime I selected SendGrid or Mailgun etc it would automatically fill in the wrong credentials and process them. Finally I was able to remove them and get the proper credentials in. But it took a lot of my time and I'm not happy that I wasted so much time.

    This needs to be fixed.

    John Anderson.

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  12. Please add driver of sql serve on this server....

    Some time we need to connect two database remotely and there should be sql serve driver install on this server..

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Add rewriting support for static files

    Currently any rewrite rules setup in .htaccess are only applied if a static file doesn't exist at that URL. It makes it impossible to implement host and HTTPS redirection on static files. Either make it possible for .htaccess rewrites to work on static files, or add the ability to configure nginx rewrites as well.

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  15. Varnish exclude PHP Sessions

    Hi Cloudways,

    You already offer pages and cookie exclusions from Varnish settings. But you should also consider PHP Sessions for this exclusion.

    We often add a get parameter in our Google Ads, and when visitors go to our website, we would like to store this parameter in a PHP Session and post it on a form when they get in touch.

    Now we need to turn of Varnish completely.

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  16. Add "auto_prepend_file" to enable WordPress WAF (Web Application Firewall) plugins

    Add "autoprependfile" to enable WordPress WAF plugins such as Wordfence, Ninja Firewall, iThemes Security etc.

    It would be ideal to have this option at the app level (under application settings) in order to configure a different WAF per installed app, but if that's not possible for now it's ok to have it at the server level (under server settings).

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  17. own nameserver

    i would like to have own nameserver like

    so when public search which proivder we are using, its show instead of

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  18. Option to disable the local backup option for a specific application in the server

    There must be an option to disable/enable the local backup for a specific application in the server

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  19. We Suffering with DO dont have the feature of Auto Scaling

    Im using DO on my Website and now im suffering with down feature when my traffic hike. what will i do that DO not supporting auto scaling feature on CLoudways.

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  20. Place restrictions of the transport of data from cloudways Staging to Live


    As per the above title. I would like to restrict the transport of data from cloudways staging to live.

    Primarily this is to prevent any accidental data deletion. I.E updating a woocommerce store

    As a safety precaution I would like to prevent data to only go in one direction Live -> Staging

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