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Product Improvements: Flexible

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346 results found

  1. add the posibility to edit the admin panel credentials for wordpress apps

    Hi devs,

    I suggest to add the posibility to edit the admin panel fields like url, username and password, because in my particular case i registered my wordpress with default configurations, but later i changed the admin panel from "wp-admin" to a white label url, so at this moment i can't to edit that information on my cloudways panel.


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  2. Pull staging site to live without order tables Magento

    The staging area is useless for us at the moment as our client gets quite a few orders so by the time we have finished work on the staging site (including updating products and pages) there have been sales, this means we cannot merge the staging site with live as it overwrites the orders in the database.

    For Magento applications (and any other shopping cart) there should be an option to exclude ALL order, customer, invoice tables etc from the migration process. So just an 'exclude customer data' option.

    This would then exclude all tables relating to customers including the…

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    completed  ·  7 comments  ·  Magento  ·  Admin →
  3. Upgrade to Varnish 6.x which is Required for Magento 2.4.x

    The current Cloudways Varnish version is 5.0.0-7+deb9u2

    Magento 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 require Varnish 6.x

    I know that you support Magento 2.4.0

    Currently, I'm running a Magento 2.3.5p2 instance and Vanish 6.x is compatible with this version as well as M2.4.x

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    completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Stacks  ·  Admin →
  4. AWS T3 Micro server availability

    You will see that the AWS offering for a T3.Micro sized server has a genuine position for great customer pricing and an advantage for those

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  5. Backup Process Improvement

    Hello Team,

    As of now there's only one full backup / restore option (Server Management > Backups > Take Backup Now)

    Can you please provide some option where the user can take backup as per their requirement, Sometime developer just want to take a backup of the database or hosting files not both all the time.

    If you're providing some option where the user can take backup/restore accordingly as of now if we're taking full backup and restoring the full backup it's super time consuming for the bigger websites while they just want to take database backup.

    Suggested Backup Process

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded


    We are glad to announce that we have successfully released the Partial Restore functionality on platform

    Thanks to the Partial Restore feature, users will now have more granular control on what should be restored, ultimately, being able to accomplish more.

    Thanks to this feature, users can now choose to:

    Restore Complete Site.

    Restore Webfiles only.

    Restore Database only.

    For more details kindly refer to our Knowledge Base article


    Cloudways Team

  6. 15 votes

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Add-ons  ·  Admin →
  7. ability to exclude certain files/folders on staging > live push

    This would give the ability to exclude certain staging related configuration files or logs, etc. Would be very helpful for a lot of users I think. If you agree vote up!

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    3 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →
  8. Force SSL

    It would be nice if we could have a Force SSL option from the control panel for wordpress. Then you would not have to install a ssl plugin or add rules to HTACCESS

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    completed  ·  4 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  9. Allow supervisor for Craft CMS (Easy win for cloudways)

    I really want to use cloudways, it is ideal in every other way except for the fact I can't use supervisor to run the Craft CMS job queue.

    The frustrating thing is that supervisor is available and ready to use for laravel. All it would take would be to allow you to add 'craft queue/listen' as a job.

    This would go hand in hand with this request:

    I think you would see a major uptake if you had decent Craft CMS support.

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  10. Change Varnish Cache Expire time

    I would like to be able to configure the Varnish Expire Cache setting to something longer than 4 hours. I think 4 hours is too short. I would set it to a week or even a month, and just have it clear the cache when a page is updated.

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  11. Enable ElasticSearch Plugins

    It would be a HUGE improvement for Elasticsearch if we could install/enable following plugins:

    • analysis-phonetic
    • analysis-icu

    Is there a specific reason why these would not be allowed to have? I see no harm in adding them. For instance, it would enable Magento users to add elasticsuite.

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    The following Elastic Search Plugins are now  available by default with all Elastic Search versions.




    Cloudways Team

  12. enforce https

    Please add a feature to the Cloudways dashboard to easily force HTTPS. It's not hard to add a rewrite rule to .htaccess but many platforms such as Kinsta and SiteGround have easy switch for this.

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  13. is not loading on SSL you must use this is not loading on SSL you must use this

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  14. Cloudways please document your security practices

    I would like to suggest that Cloudways publishes an article or other document that describes how Cloudways maintains, patches, updates servers and secures them.

    The intent is not to disclose details that puts security at risk but instead demonstrates the value Cloudways is providing in the area of helping its customers maintain a secure server and application environment.

    Information should include frequency of update / patch deployment, frequency of security scans for malware / unauthorized access, firewall ports and services that are open especially those for inbound traffic from the Internet, intrusion protection mechanisms, transparency reports for government information requests…

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    completed  ·  14 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  15. 39 votes

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  16. php version update

    Based on the email sent by magento (below), please update the according php versions ASAP if possible.

    Kind regards,
    Jakab András

    Magento, An Adobe Company
    A vulnerability has recently been discovered in PHP and we recommend Magento Commerce customers adopt changes to address the issue.
    MS-ISAC has issued an alert related to multiple vulnerabilities that could allow for arbitrary code execution and a recommendation that all sites using PHP should update to the latest PHP version ASAP ( full alert is available here).

    Since Magento Commerce relies on PHP, we recommend that all Merchants using Magento Commerce review necessary updates…

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  Magento  ·  Admin →
  17. Add local font files to nginx config (leverage browser caching)

    Actually only the following files are served from nginx with proper HTTP headers for browser caching and character sets.


    Please a local font files with the following extensions too:


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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded


    Thanks for sharing your valuable feedback we have now expanded our static content list to the following extensions

    html, htm, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, ico, css, zip, tgz, gz, bz2, pdf, odt, txt, tar, bmp, rtf, js, swf, avi, mp4, mp3, ogg, flv, svg, rar, wmv, htc, mpeg, mpg, otf, woff, woff2, ttf, , eot, webp

    Cloudways Team

  18. Add Linode Mumbai Region

    Linode recently launched their server locations in Mumbai, India. Please add the server location to the Cloudways plans of Linode

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  19. DigitalOcean High CPU Instance Support

    You support high cpu instances for AWS and Google Cloud but not DigitalOcean.

    Can you include support for choosing different instance types for DigitalOcean such as their high CPU Instance?

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  20. Please activate the Bahrain AWS datacenter

    Please enable it asap, as it will be beneficial for us serving the Middle East.

    Thanks and regards

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