Product Improvements: Flexible
Cloudways values its customers and their feedback! You can now give us your feedback on how we can improve Cloudways services, solution and products by pitching in your ideas!
346 results found
Multi-tier (more than one server for my application, load balancer, web servers, database server...)
I would love to have the option of setting up a multi-server application for more targeted and cost effective scaling. For instance, Say I could create a Wordpress site with a dedicated DB server, a dedicated load balancer, and a dedicated Web server. As my site grows, I can scale the specific part that is needed. If my site is gets a lot of views (reads), but doesn't make many writes, scaling my existing web server (or adding another instance) may be what's needed. If I'm running a WooCommerce site and start pushing the limits of my db server, increasing…
592 votes -
Cloudways should add DDoS protection service
DDoS is a common problem now, maybe Cloudways can add a DDoS Mitigation service and upgrade their Network hardware to secure against Level 3 DDoS attacks
344 votes -
Disk Space Details/Quota Per Application
At the Application Tab. Display Application Disk Data and Disk DB usage in numeric stats and Chart.
Purpose - to help us determine what app has increased in size and/or to help manage disk size.
279 votesGood news! Application disk usage information and graphs are now live , and we hope it delivers excellent value and simplify disk management for our users. understand that this feature was on the wish list of many users and the release comes a bit late than promised. The feature required extensive testing, thus requiring this long for general release.
Cloudways Team
227 votes
Cloudways is now offering CDN service in partnership with StackPath (formerly known as MaxCDN).
This service is available as an Add-on, which would cost you $1 per application for 25GB bandwidth.
For details please follow link below, Team.
A better backup scheme
So here my suggestion for a better backup scheme. Do something like keeping:
= 1 - 3 monthly backups
+ 3 weekly backups
+ 4 - 6 daily backups
This way a longer period is covered without increasing the space required for backups. You can try keeping it at 8, although 12 would be ideal as it will cover last 3 mo, last 3 wk, and last 6 days.Other suggestions:
- Allow to choose the time of day to do backup so it won't slow down the server during busy hours.
- Allow to choose external backup destination like…208 votesWe are closing this thread as we have implemented most of the features requested by OP and other features requested by users in the comments over the years. Here is the list of the features we have introduced around backups.
1. We added the option to set backup retention from 1 to 4 weeks.
2. We added the option to set the frequency of backups from 1 hour to 168 hours (1 week).
3. We introduced on-demand application backup options.
4. Users can now specify the time at which the backups process should be initiated on the server.
5. Users can now restore their deleted servers from the Cloudways Platform. Previously this feature was limited to support but to give customers more control this feature is now available to all Cloudways customers.
6. Users can now restore their deleted applications from the Cloudways Platform to an existing or new server.…
200 votes
We have added the ability to view logs from the Cloudways Platform for more details please review
Customers also have the option to clear logs from Server Settings tabs for more details please review
Backup single applications
Actually, we can take SERVER backups but we can RESTORE single applications. This is good but it would be great if we could also take a backup of a single application.
Consider this : we'll deploy an upgrade but before we want to made a backup that we can restore just after deployment if anything goes wrong.
- Actually, we need to take a full server backup, which takes several minutes ;
- I f we could made a backup of this single app, it would take 90% less time.
This could be placed at the same level than RESTORE tab under…
199 votesSupport for taking a single application backup is now available in Cloudways Platform. For instructions please follow the link:
Cloudways Team.
181 votes
HTTP2 is now fully supported and available for all browsers. It was activated yesterday.
Customers who already have HTTP2 enabled in their servers, need to disable and re-enable it to update browser support. Other customers, just need to enable it (done from Server Settings in NEW CONSOLE).
Cloudways Team
Better caching plugin than W3 Total Cache
W3 Total Cache is rarely updated and is not officially compatible with WP 4.4 as of yet. Many people are speculating that the author may have even abandoned this plugin. Issues with WP 4.4 are being reported and are not resolved. I would prefer a more stable and regularly updated caching plugin.
177 votesUPDATE: Breeze has now been made default caching plugin for all new WordPress apps on Cloudways Platform excluding ‘Clean WordPress’ app.
For existing apps, user can directly installed it through WP Admin panel. For instructions please follow this KB:
Cloudways Team.
WordPress (or other apps) staging (live and test site combination)
Cloudways definition of staging is somewhat different from other managed WP services like SiteGround and MT Premium WP. It would be great to have dual WP setup for live and test without cloning, and hopefully with easy/simple sync feature.
176 votesWe are happy to announce that our Staging feature is out of Beta. In case you encounter any issue, please inform us via Live Chat or open a support ticket.
For information on how to use Staging please refer to KB link below,
Cloudways Team
Support 'Let's Encrypt' (automatic and free SSL/TLS)
Mid 2015 the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority (CA) is expected to go live. It would be great if Cloudways would join this effort and offer it as a service to their customers. This CA & software will allow automatic and free (domain validated) SSL/TLS for any domain.
For more information visit
157 votesThis is now live. Option is available under Application Management → SSL certificate.
Cloudways Team
Add Linode As A Hosting Provider
I have tested Linode myself and found it better than many hosting providers and is also recommended by many websites and companies like WPEngine. As a CloudWays customer I want to suggest that it will be more better for CloudWays (for more sale) and for its customers (for better services) if you add Linode as a hosting provider as you have already added Amazon & Digital Ocean.
Best Regards,
Aamer143 votesLinode is now available on Cloudways Platform
You can now launch a Linode cloud server on the Cloudways Platform and get a taste of the best managed cloud hosting experience at very economical prices.
Cloudways Team
Backup (costs): more transparency desirable and possibility to disable the backup service
1) Backups of server is a payed service. Totally fair, but it is not noted anywhere inside the platform portal. You have to dig like 3 articles deep to find out the actual costs for backup storage. It would be nice if in the server settings this was more transparent communicated.
2) Once you have multiple servers it is nearly impossible to find out what is actually charged per month for backup storage costs and what is droplet cost. Some reporting on this would be helpfull.
3) And last but not least, I think backup should be optional. I can…
138 votes -
Add Digital Ocean Block Storage Option
Add support for Digital Ocean's Block Storage add-on. This will allow us to not have to scale entire server for more storage space. This also allows for more options away from the more expensive AWS or Google services for more storage space.
136 votesSupport for DigitalOcean’s Block Storage is now available on Platform.
For details please refer to the following KB.
Cloudways Team
Add Blacklist section in your security tab
The current server management console, has a n area where we can whitelist our IP address to avoid lockout problems. But could we also get for our servers a blacklist option?
There are multiple WordPress sites I manage. And you have no idea how many hacking attempts I get daily. Being able to block the ip addresses from where these attempts are coming from...could really help us secure our WP sites even more.
125 votes -
Add PHP 7
PHP7 will land soon and smart hosting companies are already supporting it (see Siteground and a handful other competitors).
The speed and performance gains are tremendous. Speed + performance = better website experience and for commercial sites, more revenue.
The first hosting company to get proper staging support, php 7, easy SSL install and SNI support gets my future business. It's no longer okay for hosting companies to lag behind on PHP, holding the web back.
114 votesPHP7 is now live. Please note that it is only available (and will continue to be) on Debian 8 servers. If you are running on an older Debian 7 server, you can migrate your application to a new Debian 8 server (where even with php 5.6 you will get better performance) and test php 7 there.
Announcement: to upgrade from php 5.6: Team
Exclude pages or URL's from Varnish
I would like to suggest having the option to exclude certain pages or URL's from Varnish. Most of the time Varnish is great, but in some instances it can cause issues. One particular instance right now is a very typical Wordpress + WooCommerce setup where Varnish causes the site to not save items to the cart. I did heaps of testing and it's directly a Varnish issue.
However it would be great to keep Varnish on parts of the site where it doesn't conflict, because the performance gains are fantastic. Would be a great addition to the console.
~…109 votesThis is now live: with including/excluding cookies: Team
ALLOW a Single Person (and their email) to be a TEAM MEMBER on MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT
Allow a way for a SINGLE person (and their email) to be associated as a TEAM MEMBER on more than one account.
At the moment, a person would need to create several different emails to be be a TEAM MEMBER on more than one account.
There should be a GENERAL ACCOUNT console (that doesn't require a hosting/server plan.... however it CAN support a purchased plan if desired) that is separate from any TEAM MEMBER access associations.
On the console you should be able to see all of the accounts you are associated as a TEAM MEMBER on... and access them…102 votesThank you for your patience.
This feature is now live on the Platform. You will now be able to add a team member on more than one account.
We will be happy to hear what you think of this improvement.
Cloudways Team
Option to download a full application backup from console (web files + database)
I want downloadable backups to transfer them to some other server or our inhouse server.
It is very important to have different locational or different provider to have my backup
as somefine day if something happens to your infra (i really don't wish) but data is crucial and i want to be dead sure
i have 5 customers to refer to but with out option of thirdparty backup they will not get to you100 votesThis has now been completed. In Server tab, under Backup section you can now enable “Local Backups”.
This will take, additionally to the off-site backup, a local application backup (both files and database) in the local_backup sub-folder of each application. Just one backup set (latest) will be stored there.
You can automate downloading backups to wherever you want via SSH/SFTP.
We are going to create KB’s and a blog post related to this new feature. Will post links here when done.
Cloudways Team
90 votes
We are pleased to announce that support for PHP7.1 is now available on Cloudways Platform.
Users can refer to the KB guide on link below to upgrade to PHP 7.1 you upgrade on production, we recommend you to test your application(s) compatibility on staging environment.
Cloudways Team
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