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Product Improvements: Flexible

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346 results found

  1. Breeze-Learndash Compatibility

    In my website I use Learndash as an LMS.
    A few days Ago I installed Brezee and I turned on "System Cache" option.
    My users started to complain that they can't mark as complete the lessons and pass to the following. I checked and it was a cache issue.
    I put all the course URLs in the cache exceptions and it solved the issue.
    I was wondering if ¿there's any other solution to this issue? Because I only have one course but plan to add others so its a rudimentary solution.
    If not, ¿can you pass this to your development…

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    1 comment  ·  Wordpress  ·  Admin →
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    We have resolved the issue with the Learn dash plugin the issue was happening because of a bug in breeze.

    There is an option in breeze where we allow cache for logged-in users, despite the option being disable the cache was still enable for logged-in users. we fixed the issue in version 1.2.3.

    Best Regards,
    Cloudways Team.

  2. add the posibility to edit the admin panel credentials for wordpress apps

    Hi devs,

    I suggest to add the posibility to edit the admin panel fields like url, username and password, because in my particular case i registered my wordpress with default configurations, but later i changed the admin panel from "wp-admin" to a white label url, so at this moment i can't to edit that information on my cloudways panel.


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  3. Upgrade to Varnish 6.x which is Required for Magento 2.4.x

    The current Cloudways Varnish version is 5.0.0-7+deb9u2

    Magento 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 require Varnish 6.x

    I know that you support Magento 2.4.0

    Currently, I'm running a Magento 2.3.5p2 instance and Vanish 6.x is compatible with this version as well as M2.4.x

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  4. AWS T3 Micro server availability

    You will see that the AWS offering for a T3.Micro sized server has a genuine position for great customer pricing and an advantage for those

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  5. is not loading on SSL you must use this is not loading on SSL you must use this

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  6. Add Linode Mumbai Region

    Linode recently launched their server locations in Mumbai, India. Please add the server location to the Cloudways plans of Linode

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  7. Upgrade New Relic PHP Agent

    Latest version available is but servers uses They fixed issues with Drupal, Codeigniter, Predis, Guzzle, Wordpress, Symfony, PHP-FPM and more.

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  8. Control Panel-based toggle to enforce https

    Instead of forcing us to dig up the htaccess file for modifications, make this a simple Control Panel-based modification.

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  9. 1 vote

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    We have added the expiry date of SSL in the SSL management section of the platform.

  10. Reset permision to master and user

    It is very important have the possibility from console or from the web panel reset the permissions to the application user. Today we can res

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  11. GeoIP with Varnish 4 vmod

    I have GeoIP country switcher on my woocommerce site.
    But when I use with Varnish, it forces back to the country which the GeoIP detects instead of the one user wahts to change to. Once Varnish deactivated, country switcher works properly. First detection correct as well as manual change of the country possible.
    This module should solve the issue.

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  12. Edit Wildcard SSL Support Article

    In the article on creating wildcard SSL certs the image in Step 3 is misleading.

    Currently suggests using the FULL URL for 'Host' when all you need to add is:


    This took ages with Live Chart to figure out.


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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    Thank you for contributing your valuable suggestions.

    Image in Step -3 has been updated.

    Cloudways Team

  13. Control panel change

    For convenience; I would like to change the password and user name shown under ACCESS DETAILS - > ADMIN PANEL; to match my old account details. This is so that when I log into Cloudways, I can quickly navigate between Apps and websites without having to rely on browsers to store passwords for admin panels. This is why I was originally attracted to cloudways, but then realised after migrating that i had to use other logins.

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  14. Collect managed migration information via an SSL web form.

    The information required for a managed migration being submitted via a plain text email is sub-optimal. Using a web form on the cloudways site would allow the information to be collected and encrypted in transit.

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  15. Add a console to manage email aliases

    Hello, I suggest you add a console to manage email aliases to arrive in email boxes of created email accounts managed in Rackspace. Other hosts do that, and I like to be flexible with creating aliases. Thx.

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  16. 1 vote

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    GCE – Sydney region is now available on Cloudways Platform.

    Cloudways Team

  17. 2 project used 1 database

    Example, 1 project handling web (like web dashboard) and 1 project handling API for mobile app. I thinks need 1 database for 2 project with same data. If differences database, i think is funny right. How to solved this case.

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  Stacks  ·  Admin →
  18. Database Mysql I can not remote.

    I saw easily create server, create a project and I am very happy with the console and github composer, etc., but I am very sad because the database is not flexible, I can not remote.

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  19. allow search by autogenerated app folder name

    would be great if i could enter the actual app folder name that is auto generated by your system, into the panel interface search, and have the correct application show. currently it is a giant pain to figure out which app is running high on resources on top without doing a bunch of looking around.

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    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    This is now live, users should be able to search apps and its server with system generated app folder name.

    Cloudways Team

  20. The git deployment documentation should tell the users to use GitHub's Deploy Keys feature.

    The documentation that shows user how to deploy from Git ( tells users to give CloudWays full access to their GitHub account. Ideally the documentation should show GitHub's "Deploy Keys" feature ( which allows the user to give CloudWays access to just the repositories it needs.

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    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
    completed  ·  Cloudways responded

    The documentation on how to deploy from Git on the Cloudways Platform has now been updated to promote the use of repository-specific deployment keys.

    Cloudways Team

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