DISABLE_WP_CRON by default
Would define a trustable WP Cron for low traffic sites, as It won't depend on visits any more.
And also and no less important, High Traffic sites would have a stability boost.
So, by default add this in wp-config.php
define('DISABLEWPCRON', 'true');
And automatically setup an actual cron job in the App Console.
Some resources about this:
- https://hondo.wtf/2015/01/11/performant-wordpress-disabling-wp-cron
- https://www.lucasrolff.com/wordpress/why-wp-cron-sucks/
- http://stickystatic.com/tech/disable-wordpress-cron-jobs
- http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/wordpress/disabling-the-wp-cronphp-in-wordpress
- http://support.hostgator.com/articles/specialized-help/technical/wordpress/how-to-replace-wordpress-cron-with-a-real-cron-job

We have introduce cron optimizer to overcome the native wordpres cron issue.
Scot commented
Please implement this idea, it would improve site stability and would save a lot of site admins time
Paul Kopalek commented
I've been going into the cloudways application > cron job management > advanced and this - 0 * * * * cd /home/12345.cloudwaysapps.com/applicationfoldername/public_html && php /home/12345.cloudwaysapps.com/applicationfoldername/public_html/wp_cron.php?doing_wp_cron >/dev/null 2>&1
This in THEORY will run it from the server every hour, as long as I have it right. Make sure your server info and application folder naem are correct there (maybe create a 'basic' one with some nonsense and look at it in 'advanced' to reveal your application and folder names). But this could be a sweet default setting when 'building' your app in Cloudways.
Anonymous commented
This its great idea i'm gonna try with free hosts server https://www.zz.com.ve
Ayman commented
Greta idea
Brendyn Montgomery commented
This would be fantastic!