Add Digital Ocean Block Storage Option
Add support for Digital Ocean's Block Storage add-on. This will allow us to not have to scale entire server for more storage space. This also allows for more options away from the more expensive AWS or Google services for more storage space.
Support for DigitalOcean’s Block Storage is now available on Platform.
For details please refer to the following KB.
Cloudways Team
Pier-Yves commented
I would prefer AWS S3 + Glacier over Digital Ocean Block Storage, since it's more robust and "secure".
Anonymous commented
Having the block storage solution accessible via the servers file system would be a great plus!
Aaron Hodges commented
Yes I desperately need this!
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Provide a new Add-On, that would create some kind of Block Storage external to the server. This is useful for many projects that require 1TB+ storage. These block storage should be common accessible by all the different infrastructure providers at Cloudways, that would allow also to have the info stored on the block storage accessible from different servers.
Anonymous commented
Agree. Need Block Storage option to stay current with DO. The object here is to out create the hosting providers.
Vyse commented
I second to this. If we only need more space with our current server so no need to upgrade even if your current resource can still keep up to your site but not the storage.
Chris commented
Three votes from me on this. Would love this feature to be integrated into Cloudways.
David Clifton commented
Really hoping this feature will be added.
hc commented
Yes, please add this. Part of the appeal of Cloudways is not having to sign up and administer our Digital Ocean server from DO site. Having Block Storage support here at Cloudways would really help.