Support for Amazon Lightsail
New as of 11/30/2016, Lightsail provides much more competitive rates than normal AWS. Comparable to the DigitalOcean or Vultr plans currently offered by Cloudways.

vinny commented
@Cloudways - plese respond, what is your position on this?
Anonymous commented
I would like to see support for AWS Lightail soon - Cloudways please react and provide your statement. I am long time customer.
Thank you -
Gareth commented
Any update here? Great pricing and performance.
Business Foresights commented
Yes please?
Thiru commented
AWS cut down the prices today
Brenton Johnson commented
This would be awesome!
Parminder Chahal commented
Lightsail is EC2 packaged like digital ocean and is a lot cheaper and bandwidth comes bundled. It is an AWS poroduct at same locations as AWS. I would like to see Lightsail being added as a provider as the prices will be lot cheaper for the same product.
You already have the API and it is just a matter of throwing a few lines of codes. Its a win win for both you and your customers.
Diego commented
second this
Ian commented
Amazon has been expanding Lightsail availability to more datacenters. It would be great to add this option to Cloudways!
Trevor Nelmes commented
An excellent suggestion to bring on board.
Vyse commented
Hope they can implement this and let user link s3 for storage.
cwspp commented
Apart from lightsail, there are many more up and coming host that people have benchmarked that have gone beyond the speed of DO and Vultr while remaining around the same price
But i'm not sure what CW thinks. They have been keeping silent on these providers, and out came someone who we didn't even ask for. Do they take the community seriously or not, i don't know. Not even a public statement, a blog, to explain their reasoning of why they don't respond.
Ahmed Cogenli commented
Lightsail is super fast comparing to others, but lacks of a good UI, combining Cloudways UI and AWS Lightsail, I think a new era will begin. I hope Cloudways has already started to support Lightsail
Pseric Lin commented
Yes, but it has only one AZ now.
Anonymous commented
Yes please let's use the power and reliability of AWS