Allow to browse and download backups
It's very useful to sometimes be able to browse and/or download a specific backup to look for something specific and only restore that part. Currently the only way to do this is to:
1. Make a full backup,
2. Restore the backup we want,
3. Find, copy what we want,
4, Restore latest backup.
That takes a looong time. Being able to download a backup or just browse the backup files and download something specific would make things a lot easier. Vaultpress does that and it's quite the timesaver.

Diederick B commented
I really mis being able to download specific backups.
Plugin Warrior commented
Yes! I can't see how much they each take up (Like in GCP or AWS) and can't delete backups if I don't want so many backups I'll be paying for! (Especially for scheduled backups).
Bradley Giesbrecht commented
I would like the list and download backup functionality to make it to the API to facilitate weekly/monthly backup archives for example.
If it were possible to move a backup to the local backup directory I think that would be good enough and might be pretty simple for Cloudways to architect with little security and policy changes.
ecotechie: I would like direct access to S3 buckets as well. I know Cloudways supports multiple cloud platforms and backups might not all be on S3 so S3 might not work for all. But direct access to S3 would fine for me if there was a way to correlate the backup dates available via the API with the backup files on S3.
ecotechie commented
There should be an interface to the s3 buckets we are paying for (where the backups are stored).
Ability to restore/download a file/folder would be AMAZING!