Upgrade of MariaDB to latest version
Please support latest versions of MariaDB

Dan commented
Please update to 10.6.7. The latest version of Moodle requires MariaDB 10.6.7 or higher. This version closes some security holes.
Imaphsy Media commented
have tried to upgrade for PHP old version to new version 8.0 while the time my website https://imaphsy.com/ was gone down its shows 500 error i was afraid then later after few minutes website came live after that am afraid to upgrade mysql mariadb latest version from my old version.
If i upgrade mysql mariadb 10.1 to 10.4 means will i face any issues kindly anyone guide me for this upgrade -
Alex cumbers commented
please update to 10.5.8
Paul commented
It's time to get in here and update us on the status of this, @Cloudways.
Over a year waiting on a definitive answer to an important update isn't OK. The last mention in the Cloudways FB group was for "a few weeks" and that was two months ago.
We need a better process for keeping these kinds of requests updated.
Julia commented
If you want folks to choose Cloudways, you need to allow upgrades from MySQL 5.6 to Maria 10.2 at least! Otherwise, we will choose a host that offers this option.
Gareth commented
Brett Redvers commented
+1 Please update MariaDB!
David commented
MariaDB 10.3 _has_ to be an option. It's 2018 and you only offer 10.0, this is unreasonable.
J commented
MariaDB 10.3 is more than just a faster MySQL - https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/changes-improvements-in-mariadb-103/ many important features, e.g. self referencing in UPDATE/DELETE and much more (including bonuses from 10.1 and 10.2)
Paul Kopalek commented
Actually mariaDB 10.0 came out in 2012 and was in testing (and was already legitimate for production) in 2013. It's old enough that it's based on MySQL 5.5 (with some 5.6 code in there) and it seems like that might eventually be a security issue! They are on 10.3.9 at this point.
Anonymous commented
Please update Maria DB to the latest. It is now Maria DB 10.3..8
The currrent Maria DB 10 you have in server is already 6 years old.
Anonymous commented
MariaDB 10.0 is from 2016, and we still don't have MariaDB 10.3...
Anonymous commented
10.2 would be even better !
iBabko.com commented
Any plans upgrading Mariabdb 10.0 to Mariabdb 10.2.7 latest stable release?
Alexander Gräf commented
I would love to see MariaDB 10.0.1 as well - adding json column support :)
Anonymous commented
please support MariaDB 10.1