Create staging site from backup
Problem: Right now I have to use a third party backup solution because Cloudways built in backup solution is incomplete.
Solution: Allow users to restore a backup as a separate application or staging site. This allows us to easily see what the website looked like at any point in the past when a regression issue happens. Also allow us to download backups, so we can pull out specific files from the past without having to revert the database and loose eCommerce order data.

Wendy D'souza commented
This is a critical feature, request Cloudways support to implement this as this will speed up a lot of workflows.
CEDRIC VIDAL commented
We often have to restore just a page or a post, so it could be really useful to restore a backup on another app.
Brady Kirkpatrick commented
PLEASE FIX AND ADD THIS FEATURE! I will be leaving Cloudways if I have to keep navigating this.
Micah commented
Russell was right way back in May 2019! It's March 2022 and I was just on with support trying to figure out how to do this. I imagined the option being in the popup when you go to clone a site. After you select Clone site, select server, you see "create as staging" checkbox, WHAT if to the right of that was a checkbox for "Create from Backup". After checked it shows you a dropdown where you can select one of your on server cloudways backups.
Advice from support was to make a current backup, rollback site to previous old backup, clone site, then roll back to current back up. Meanwhile this is a LIVE site. Users will be confused staring at an old site for about 15min while I hurry and get the site back to normal. Less than Ideal as has been stated by others here. I'd give this 1000 votes if I could! ha.
Since I can't upload a screenshot of my idea....
O create as staging | O Create from backup -
Jake Parrotta commented
Yes this is so essential. I can't be restoring backups on my production site, only to realize the bug was a simple fix, and then my audience is seeing yesterday's content until I rollback and then go fix it again.
Many times I've had to restore, pull to staging, rollback main site, then fix on staging and update fix on the main site. Would be much better if I could just restore a back up as application or staging as you suggested, Russell.
Thanks for suggesting, I hope they add this soon!
Jason Jappa commented
we need staging, clone, and download for restores. this is a must. if we need to grab a detail from a week ago or so we have no way of getting it without replacing live and then back to it. that is extra drag on your resources as well. you offer to do this manually. that also takes your resources. please make this happen. thanks.
Sam commented
It would be great if we can take backups of certain apps (i.e clone app) and be able to set up that clone so it does NOT backup itself everyday. Sometime we just need to take a backup of certain apps before making a change or something, or use for demo/testing purposes. That app does not need to follow the server's backup schedule as it is a waste of space and money to backup such app(s) .
Ryan commented
The ability to restore a backup to a new application would be very helpful when troubleshooting issues on a live site.