Install NodeJS in Click&Go
Install NodeJS in ClicknGo
evelyn church commented
Read this blog!
If you would be more detailed ( so let's check and discuss it.
Pankaj Sanam commented
We need this please.
Anders Borg commented
This could be a different Application (Type). It seems almost all IoT applications and Alexa skills are using Node.
Anonymous commented
support node.js click and go, thanks
Anonymous commented
give support to node js and odoo
Yann commented
are you planing to support node app in the future, or only PHP?
Anonymous commented
Add Node.js app hosting that supports React.js out of the box with the express framework and an option to use a nosql database such as mongoDB or a Postgresql database. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Give support of NodeJs NPM
Anonymous commented
@cloudways has your position evolved about nodejs ?
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Nodejs and NPM packages are now available on Cloudways servers as default.
This should allow you run services such as bower, gulp etc.Cloudways Team
Pras commented
You can simply install nodejs with nvm ( here is quick guide:
install nvm
- curl -o- | bashsource profile or restart server for permanent changes
- source .profileinstall latest nodejs
- nvm install 6.2.0if you want install gulp or other tool you can use npm
- npm install gulp -gHope it help
R. Wendel commented
For those wishing to use node/npm, you can actually download the binary for linux and run it locally without the global install, then add it to your path:
pushd ~
tar -xzf node-v6.1.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
PATH=$PATH:/home/master/node-v6.1.0-linux-x64/bin/; export PATH
popdThen you can 'npm install' to your heart's content.
Vlad Slobodkin commented
Yes having the ability to run gulp on server would really be useful
Neil C Smith commented
Not personally interested in NodeJS as a hosting stack, but ability to run bower, gulp, etc. on the server would be very useful.
Mayank Gupta commented
With launch of WP 4.4, I think it becomes important for any WordPress hosting company to provide Nodejs & Git as service. The stack needs it! Please consider it fast.
Ignazio commented
Implement Nodejs Stacks
Charles McKeever commented
+1 to MeteorJS support on CloudWays apps.
Damian commented
+1 to MeteorJS support on CloudWays apps.
Nikolas Stylianides commented
Do consider it though. Nodejs is an excellent choice for Reactive web and modern applications will need it.
Erik commented
node.js with npm is needed for bower.. or maybe there is another frontend package manager we could use