Being able to check/clear/download application/error logs from the Click&Go console (nginx, apache, mysql ...)

We have added the ability to view logs from the Cloudways Platform for more details please review
Customers also have the option to clear logs from Server Settings tabs for more details please review
Anonymous commented
Please let us delete all log files not just archived.
Paul commented
Now that the Console provides the ability to view and clear basic log files, it would make sense to also add the ability to clear the log files right from the App Settings where they can be viewed..
It's pretty counterintuitive/inconvenient to have to navigate to a completely different part of the Console to delete what you've just been viewing.
Paul commented
As usual, Cloudways doesn't keep this Feedback site up to date.
Basic log viewing and deletion capabilities have been released.
You can view logs from within the Console under Application Management > Monitoring > Logs. You'll see Error Log and Access Log.
You can clear these logs manually under Server Management > Settings and Packages > Optimization tab.
Meli commented
I would love to be able to clear my own error logs from within Cloudways' dashboard. Just about to ask support to do this for me. Would love not to have to bother them for this.
Paul commented
CW has no method for managing journal logs - so they grow constantly and never get tailed/deleted. Just had to manually request support to delete them as server was inexplicably running out of space (25 gigs of storage with only 7 gigs of site usage)
Over 9GBs! of space was being wasted (that's 40% of the server space).
I'm betting some less-experienced users have upgraded servers for more space due to this issue.
Log management needs to be MUCH better handled - pretty essential functionality for a VPS.
David commented
Agreed, we need to have the feature to be able to delete logs.
millco commented
We really need to be able to clear logs - we've had sites fall over because the disk filled up with old logs and we had to contact support to clear them.
George commented
I agree, also it would be useful to be able to remove server-side logs as well.
Anonymous commented
yes, would be a cool feature, when do you guys implement it?
Paul R commented
This would be excellent. A nicely designed log viewer would be smart complement to the monitoring feature.
Anders Borg commented
I noticed it saves 52 files back, independent of time. I have e.g. access logs from early 2018. I see no need to keep them that long. A "log retention time" setting would be very practical. As some others have noted, easy access to the error log from the dashboard would be neat. An e-mail alert when there are too many errors during a certain period of time (as it happens, not as a daily digest, as time is of the essence) would also be nice.
Ed Ellingham commented
Coming from a Plesk server where viewing and searching a log, as well as real-time log viewing, was built right into the dashboard, this is the one feature I really feel like I'm missing.
Peter Tan commented
Yes. Please provide console option to purge/empty logs in /logs and /var/log
Or even apache or php setting to set /dev/null to error logging.
devcode commented
An error log within the dashboard would be sweet, like Kinsta:
Dirk commented
And being able to delete system logs as well would be a huge plus
Dirk commented
I actually just posted feedback about this as well. Couldn't find this one earlier. Voted!
Dirk commented
I have run into an issue where my disk space was insufficient, multiple times. This is annoying, especially since I can't fix it myself.
It has everytime been 'system logs' only Cloudways could clean up for me. I want to be able to clean those logs myself, for example a action on the server to clean system logs to free disk space.
Also it would be great if we were able to clean and view application logs from the application platform dashboard.
Len Morales commented
Allow users access to log files to be able view/ delete wasted space on servers
Frank commented
Me too!
Jan Koch commented
Yes, this feature would be great!