Product Improvements: Flexible
Cloudways values its customers and their feedback! You can now give us your feedback on how we can improve Cloudways services, solution and products by pitching in your ideas!
1720 results found
Offer some type of real time two way communication support (Node.js maybe Kafka)
I want to get into two way realtime applications as I see that as the major turn happening in the industry. To be honest, I am not sure how to get there yet, with the servers I have. Apache's got Kaftka, Nifi, and Sockets I believe. JS servers have node. I guess there are solutions with Python and C, as well. I am not sure if PHP can do it? You need to put some realtime options into the platform.
3 votes -
Support for AngularJS
Add Support for AngularJS, one of the plugins on my site needed it and as it was nt there I had to cancel my Cloudways ac.
Once AngularJS is supported would love to move back here again!
5 votes -
to install s3cmd tool for amazon
Need Amazon S3 tool - s3cmd. votes -
Dedicated servers
Solutions in the "cloud" is simple, flexible and user-friendly when it comes to quickly change the infrastructure. For us that is slightly more advanced users, and sees the need for dedicated servers for our applications have several advantages to having it on dedicated servers.
I am aware that it is significantly more advance and would cost a small fortune, but it is also considerably cheaper than large configurations in the "cloud" for us who have these needs.
The market for dedicated servers is huge, there are both managed and unmanaged servers out there you can pick and choose from. I…
5 votes -
Add PDF invoice to billing notifications
I think it would be great if you could attach a PDF copy of the monthly invoices to the billing notification e-mails.
Currently when we receive a billing notification, we have to login to our account with two-factor just get a copy for out accounting department.
This is really a needless waste of time for all customers who need the invoice - every month!
I think this suggesting should be easy and quick to implement, and would be a benefit to all customers.
25 votes -
HSTS (Strict Transport Security)
Do you support HSTS (Strict Transport Security) in the future? Maybe it will add more security.
38 votes -
Better Warning on Server Deletion on Trial Expiration
Cloudways must improve the warning system for trial expiration!! Upon expiration the server is deleted however in many cases the client is using serever as development site before launhing into production. CloudWays should send more email warning of the impending deletion of the server so the client is forewarned to take action beforew losing all their work! Currently there is an email 3 days before deletion but that is not enough there should be a 24 hr, 12 hr and 2 hours prior warnings that server will be deleted.
2 votes -
Improved mysql manager with search and replace functionality
The current administrator is fast and lightweight but it needs a little more functionality. For example it would be nice to have a "search" option within a table and once you get the result set to have the option to modify, delete, etc. Currently if you want to modify the record 10.000 in a table you have to display up to that record and then you get the option to modify it. If you do a query to list only your record 10.000 there is no option to modify it. Yes, it can all be done with queries... but that…
43 votes -
Be able to name backups
It is good to be able to name backups like wpengine hosting does. here in cloudways backups are named by creation date but I think it is good to name backups manually.
29 votes -
18 votes
Simplify the billing system
Simplify the billing system. At the moment, the billing system is confusing and difficult to follow as you have to pre-pay funds, and then get invoiced separately. Why not just charge via credit card each month? I don't understand what the purpose of the current system is? People are signing up for Cloudways to simplify things, and you're making the billing more complicated than it needs to be.
3 votes -
Add OAuth or Auth0 functionality and support...
Add OAuth or Auth0 functionality and support making is much easier to implement payment gateways such as Dwolla.
3 votes -
Add OwnCloud to the applications list
I think and hopefully others will aswell like to see OwnCloud offered in the application list.
15 votes -
2 votes
change policy for invoice
Hello, i m stated to you that my site two times down in month because your billing service is very bad because with any email my service stop and i already paid my invoice and also my service stop. I hope you upgrade your policy!
2 votes -
Add Scaleway as a vps provider
Scaleways offers 4 cores, 2 GB RAM, 50GB disk space at 3 euros/month. Much more than any of the current offering. Its bandwidth has DDOS protection. I think you guys should certainly connect with scaleway!
20 votes -
Allow to change server time zone
Allow to change server timezone.
Please to allow customer to change the servertimezone.
I have difficulties to make cronjob, because there is different time between php & server time. I have cronjob to generate/update report in magento for every 5 minutes, then send it in end of day (around 23:xx). But, since the server time is different the report actually not complete & different with Magento report. please consider this.thanks
44 votes -
Automatic DNS for WordPress MU
In cases like mine, with WordPress MU. I am building a 'Shopify' like site with WordPress MU and WooCommerce. This means my users will be creating the sites on their end.
Through praticallity sub-domains ('') are our preferred choice of URL structure.
The way Cloudways works right now, this is only possible if I create the users site then add the sub-domain to the DNS list in Click & Go.
Somehow making this automatic so sub-domains can be created in WP MU and be provisioned throughout the DNS would be awesome.
(I don't know... maybe adding a nameserver service so…
18 votes -
Please fix the signup page
On the signup page ( I get a mixed content warning:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
if I allow the the connection in chrome (allow unsafe scripts)
Chrome will sill not send the ajax request:XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
Please fix this by enabling TLS on all sub domains.
2 votes -
Back Database inside MySQL Manager
Hi cloudways team
Handling database within mySQL manager is really frustrating. If you add a option to clone and backup database inside your mySQL manager, is really handy for everyone.
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?