Enable one-click install for WordPress in a sub directory
It would be nice to have a one click install of Wordpress in subdirectory. I am sure this is a feature in demand from many customers.

Yekusiel Eckstein commented
This is extremely important for me. I hope Cloudways implements this soon.
Yekusiel commented
Almost six years later and nothing. This is extremely important for my business. I hope cloudways implements this ASAP
Subdirectory commented
It is now 2021, still do not have the one-click install for existing site, so sad
Anonymous commented
Add this feature or so I have to drink less coffee everyday
Praan commented
Hey, Read this simple guide how you can install for WordPress in a Subdirectory within few seconds.
http://bit.ly/subdirectory-setup -
Gulshan commented
Hello everyone,
Installing WordPress into a Subdirectory is tricky at Cloudways. At the moment, there is no direct option where you can simply enter path /wordpress/ and press the Install button.
Using SSH and custom PHP Application, here's a workaround -
(It's written by me)I hope this helps
Anonymous commented
Need this feature
Diogo Rocha commented
I back this up! Intalling wordpress in a subdirectory in Cloudways as of now is really confusing and turns a very simple task into a clumsy manual process with lots of room for mistakes to happen... There´s not even a KB explaining the manual process...
Ash commented
Please add ability to install Wordpress in sub directory with showing it as root.
http://www.xxx.com/I can move wp files manually to sub directory but Wordpress admin link button in control panel of Cloudways won't work anymore.
So I can keep root clean and make Wordpress more secure and flexible.