Please Install GhostScript
Please install Ghostscript. ImageMagick, happens to be enabled on the servers but not GhostScript?
Per the ImageMagick site: "While it is not a requirement, it is strongly recommended that the Ghostscript package be installed"
Seems silly it's not, as it's kind a hand in hand combo. Not to mention required for tools such as GraphicsMagick and such..

Anonymous commented
I would also like this
Ben commented
I also need this, may have to go with a different host in its absence... which is a shame as overall CW is great.
sean commented
Please install GhostSript!
Greg commented
I really need Ghostscript installed as I also need the PDF thumbnails.
Dean commented
I really need this also, PLEASE install ASAP for the use of PDF thumbnail images.
Timbre Design commented
Also WordPress as of version 4.7 requires Imagick, ImageMagick and GhostScript to be available in order to create images from PDFs.
"Core support is provided through WP_Image_Editor_Imagick and requires Imagick, ImageMagick, and Ghostscript support." -
Timbre Design commented
Any movement on this?