Filter Applications by Server or Project
I'd like to filter and not only sort by Server my applications as the list is getting too big.

George Faerber commented
This one is a huge shortfall, the only place I can see all the applications on a single server at once on the screen is on the Teams area during application assignment. The tiny dropdowns really don't provide justice for viewing all the applications on a (or multiple) servers.
Greg Cole commented
+1 on this. I will have almost 30 sites on this when I am done and I need to filter quickly by server or project.
Anonymous commented
This is my biggest issue with Cloudways - so frustrating why whoever designed the UI didn't think of this. Please add asap. I'm surprised this only has 12 votes...
Jeriss Cloud Center commented
Please give us filters ! Allow us to add "tags" and filter by tags
example : tag "PRODUCTION" and tag "DEVELOPMENT
that way, for instance I can have clear view on the different types of applications on the same server because the list gets very long and it's a bit annoying
Ilias M. commented
I also agree with this. It should be possible to see a filtered list of applications from one specific server and in addition to this being able to sort these applications by name, etc.. is a must.
The quick access "www" dropdown list is not very useful if you have more than 50 applications on one server and want to see them all at a glance.
Please consider adding this fundamental filter functionality.
Eduardo Martinez commented
I agree with this, the current filtering is not helpful at all!.
Please let us filter by server or project, thanks!
Alauddin Ahmed commented
This is the most annoying part of Cloudways for me. The filter on the top drives me nuts.
The search filter needs to be in the main section where the Servers and Applications are displayed, this way we can actually take actions such as clone and open app in new tab.
Chris commented
Please add a filter system. I have 2 servers and 22 applications..and counting... Even if it's only to filter by server. Thanks :)
Kevin commented
this is a big vote for me as well. have about 15 applications on the platform and already want this feature. when I am doing i will have over 120 applications on the service so filtering is a must.
Kenneth commented
I would also like to have the possibility to filter on server or project and only view the application within the filtered item... Guess this should be a basic feature for managing things.