Better overview - Grid view for applications and servers
In our web agency we sometimes have a little trouble getting a proper overview over the servers and or applications we have on your platform.
Would it be possible to make a "Grid view" for the applications? Perhaps with a screenshot of the applications like Flywheel does?
That would give a 10x better overview :D

Debbie Campbell commented
Updated comment - with the new interface experience, I would have expected a grid view with tags, like the other hosts I use. It's a much better way to view 80+ websites than having to flip through a huge list. Disappointing that these obvious feature hasn't been included.
Debbie commented
Absolutely agree with this, I'm moving 70+ sites to Cloudways and not being able to properly filter (only show applications on one server) is getting more problematic with each new site. I second the need for a grid-based layout and actual filtering by server (or project, etc.).
Scamando commented
Yes, please add screenshot thumbnail for each application so we can visually scan and choose what we are looking for. A grid would be great. The current layout is wasting so much white space.
Alauddin Ahmed commented
The improved grid along with actual 'Filter' would help, the current setup is super annoying as we cannot view ONLY the apps on a specific server.
Ben commented
Imagine a filterable tags list combined with the grid view in my screencast. Miles better!
Ben commented
Some better viewing option would be nice, or the ability to tag apps/servers so they can be organised (projects doesn't work as an app can only be in one project).
At the moment the app list is massive, but with loads of the screen wasted.
Some simple CSS tweaks would help from the current:
(look at all that wasted space in the middle!)to this: thumbnails would be fab too - or maybe just pull the favicon from the app's URL if a screenshot is too much pain.