Accept custom commands for Supervisord
As of now, the supervisord setting in the application setting is only for laravel queue worker. It would be nice if we can add our own custom supervisord configuration setting for other services. I really want to implement websockets into my application. The idea is simple, you allow us to create new supervisord configuration, then we would just paste our desire configuration into a textarea, and there's a button that we can click to restart the supervisord after adding new configuration.
command=/usr/bin/php /home/laravel-echo/laravel-websockets/artisan websockets:serve

Mobile Dev commented
Is there anyway to configure laravel horizon with Cloudways? php artisan horizon is the command I'm looking for.
Anonymous commented
every time I configure Horizon in a Laravel project I have to open a ticked to configure the supervisor.
this could be done via the panel in the same way as with "php artisan queue:work"
Rodrigo Lopes commented
Elio commented
It's also needed for Orocommerce 4!
Rich commented
+1 for php artisan horizon
Sami Greenbury commented
The maximum time limie for Laravel Queue jobs is set at about 15 minutes - because the "Timeout" field only allows 3 characters.
This seems like an arbitary limit, and a failry short one for some use cases.
I'd like to increase that to at least 4 digits (almost 3 hours), or 5 (almost 28 hours) or to let us remove the limit entirely.
I know the limitations want to avoid us breaking our servers, so if there's a reason CloudWays servers can only support 15 minutes of Queue Jobs then it would be useful to have that explained somewhere.
Martijn de Vries commented
Accept custom commands like 'php artisan horizon'
Thomas John commented
Laravel's queue:work don't have --timeout option, so it will be good if we can choose to exclude the timeout field on Supervisord setting.