We need to be able to upgrade our Rackspace standard email account to Email Plus Account. We need Email Plus account at reduced price.
I need to be able to sync Calendars of my Rackspace email account with outlook. This can only be done with a Rackspace email plus account. Either get this feature added to the standard account or allow an option for people with Rackspace Standard Email account to upgrade to Email Plus Account. Also add option to archive emails. So basically offer all of the Rackspace options on Cloudways for reduced price.

lewis hamilton commented
Launch the Settings app on your device.
Once it launches, tap on Accounts.
Tap on Add Account.
Select Personal (IMAP), near the bottom of the screen, as the Account Type.
Enter your email address: (YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS)
Type your mailbox password.
Enter the following incoming settings: ...
Tap Next.Admin