Allow more configuration options for Cloudflare Enterprise such as page rules, etc.
the nation4u commented
Hello, I read your excellent article. I appreciate you sharing this useful information since I need to know it. Once more, thank you; this is extremely intriguing. I wish you success with your upcoming blogs in the future.
hari rabu commented
good, good job, good script, good website.
David Venter commented
Yes please! I use "WP Hide & Security Enhancer" to block and URL re-write all the default Wordpress paths. I need to be able to bypass cache on my custom admin URLs. I need to ensure all the security and cashing settings work for the correct custom URL's. I also need to be able to whitelist my IP so that Cloudflare doesn't block me for attempting to upload plugins via the customized admin and plugin paths.
Also provide a way for us to link the Cloudflare WordPress Plugin to our Cloudways Cloudflare enterprise domains so that we can use the automatic cache clearing feature of the cloudflare Wordpress plugin.
Jeriss Cloud Center commented
I agree with this. I would be willing to add Cloudflare Enterprise for ALL my clients (and future clients) but I cannot accept to have just "default" settings. Each website is different, needs different configuration (security settings / pagerules / firewall ...). I understand that Cloudways is a Managed Services plateform but I think that's a bit too much managed.
Also please consider giving us access to the Cloudflare dashboard when buying the Enterprise add-on from your side. Currently it's not the case : if we get your Enterprise add-on, we can't access the dashboard on Cloudflare anymore.
Matt Swanson commented
Right now the cloudflare options only works if the site fits inside a nice default box. But how often does that actually happen...