The ability to add wget (with arguments) cron jobs in the dashboard cron jobs management tab.

We have released a new/improved cron feature. You can now add Wget/Curl cron jobs.
Check it out.
Cloudways Team
Stephen Barker commented
Wow! This is AWESOME! Thank you!!!!
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
We have released a new/improved cron feature. You can now add Wget/Curl cron jobs.
Check it out.
Cloudways Team
Stephen Barker commented
I totally concur with this as a Feature Request.
Since a query string security cron_key has been a Drupal core out-of-the-box security feature/requirement for 5 years now, and since Cloudways actively markets to Drupal users ( ), I HIGHLY recommend that Cloudways either post a notice DIRECTLY in the cron tool that the tool itself doesn't support Drupal OR Cloudways add a "Method" radio button that allows one to select PHP or WGET (or curl, etc.) on the cron job and have your tool execute the job using the method most appropriate for the application. This would be a great feature request that probably would end a lot of misunderstanding and frustration with Cloudways' clients.