Add the higher servers configurations 32 to 64GB RAM 12-20-24 cores
Please add the higher servers configurations from Vultr and DigitalOcean featuring 32 to 64GB RAM 12-20-24 cores.
While I am not ready just yet for them I do need to know that the option will be there when the time comes.
Also may I suggest that you top the managing fee (markup) per server to be close to $100? This would also match Linode current full manage service offer. It's just that 60% markup would make these more expensive servers way too expensive.

Don, this is already available when launching a new server from console and choosing “I know my server size”.
Cloudways Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
And Don, we are already reviewing pricing for larger instances across all infrastructure providers.
Cloudways Team
Don commented
Cool! Thanks.
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Don, this is already available when launching a new server from console and choosing "I know my server size".
Cloudways Team