keep the application credential in master
I think you should keep the applications sftp access credential in the master account. I know that it seem duplicated but in fact, it's not. since the application credential locks to one applications. also, if I need a application credentail I would need to create a team member account and do all the crazy thing to set up the new member account in order to make the application credentials. this is very tedious and troublesome sometime because all we need is to get the credential info and send it to someone. Normally, we need the application credentail is because we want this as a extra level of security when doing update. because using the master is very easy to get into the wrong folder and update the wrong codes. when the application credential, this will prevent this type of mistake to happen. I think it's not a bad thing to keep the application credential in the master account as this will make our life a lot easier whenever we need the application credentials. This way we dont need to keep loging out and in to each account and find our the corresponding credential of each applications in the server. Hope you understand.
This feature is now available, Master/Account owner has now an option to create Application credentials (ssh/sftp) for application through Cloudways Platform.
Cloudways Team