Allow changing Wordpress admin credentials and make default password stronger
Admin Area Access credentials for Wordpress are not correct when cloning a website. This causes confusion on what the correct password is. Also, when adding an application, the default password created for wordpress credentials are rather weak. Would like ability to set more secure password and also change/sync a password with Admin Area Access details so that this information could be shared among admin staff.
Matt commented
How come it's been 8 years and still not implemented?!
There are multiple threads started about this issue.
Clay Ravin commented
This is a great idea!
Morgan commented
This would such a simple change to implement. Just let us edit all fields (url, username, password) in the admin panel section.
This has been sitting here un-actioned for 4 years - a change that a dev could probably implement in 4 hours. Cloudways clearly doesn't see this as a priority, but small quality-of-life improvements like this really improve the overall UX and customer satisfaction. The product as-is feels un-finished.
Anonymous commented
It's a huge problem, that updated admin credentials in wp dashboard will not appear in cloudways dashboard. It should be possible to change username and password via cloudways dashboard. When working with clients websites it is very important. I hope this feature will be added shortly. But if i say the first comment of Louis Garcia, i am in doubt that it will come shortly.
beep commented
<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))>
Laurent Telfser commented
Was just wondering that it would be nice to be able to set custom credentials for wordpress apps when creating them. Especially the admin user name. The default account e-mail that you use is a bit of a bother if developing a site for someone else. As you know the superuser account name can't be changed after a wordpress installation.
Just a thought for a nice to have option.
Sebastián Herrera commented
You should take also Bruce Munson comments. It wouldn't be difficult to sync admin password information between app and control panel.
Gary commented
I'd like this to be implemented:
Having the email address as admin username for a new Wordpress application isn't very secure, I'd like it to be random like the password, or for there to be some way of changing it. It's more hassle to delete the admin user and create a new one in Wordpress, and this doesn't get synced to the Cloudways platform.
Leo James commented
yes, there should be a setting on cloudways dashboard that would allow one to automatically set the passwords to be strong BEFORE any app is created
Perk commented
Please Implement these suggested changes!
Dorian commented
1) Update the password shown on the cloudways application dashboard when the password has been edited on the wordpress user admin pannel
2) Be able to edit the application password on the cloudways dashboard -
Bruce Munson commented
Are there anymore thoughts about this from Cloudways?
Bruce Munson commented
I agree.
Specifically, I want the ability to change the "Admin Panel" username also. There are times when creating a WordPress site that you want to have a different WordPress username for the site.
But if you create a new Administrator user in the WordPress site, this user cannot be used as the "Admin Panel" username. You must use the one that was created with the site.
What happens if someone removes that admin user in the WordPress site?
Then the Admin Panel username will no longer work.
We need a way to synchronize the Admin Panel user, with a WordPress administrator user profile. -
Bruce Munson commented
The current auto-generated password length for the WordPress admin panel is 10 characters, and is lower and uppercase alpha, with numeric. This should be at least 14, and more like 16 characters. Symbols should also be added for even greater strength.
The current 10 character auto-generated password is not classified as strong by any strength checker out there.
Defaulting the auto-generated password to 16 characters saves us the time of going in and manually changing it after the application is created.
Also - the database auto-generated password is only 10 characters, and should be increased to 16.
This is a small and quick change, but has a very significant impact on security and saving time.
Thank you.