UpCloud as a provider
A great provider of cloud hosting. It came second in the Cloud Spectator 2016 EU top 10 vendor benchmarks. With a first place for vCPU and memory and also disk performance.

Probir commented
Please Add this server upcloud
Nuno commented
still waiting for this integration...
Gia commented
Yes please. UpCloud servers are green for most of them, this is good to have.
z commented
Please take into consideration that your competitor gridpane.com just added API support for UpCloud: https://gridpane.com/how-it-works/create-wordpress-vps-servers/
UpCloud recently opened a new new data centre in Warsaw, Poland.
z commented
Please take into consideration that your competitor gridpane.com just added API support for UpCloud: https://gridpane.com/how-it-works/create-wordpress-vps-servers/
UpCloud recently opened a new new data centre in Warsaw, Poland.
Thomas Nybergh commented
Yeah, Upcloud would be nice, there's a bit of a blind spot for data centers in the Nordics in Cloudways' offerings.
In addition to Helsink and the regulars, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Upcloud also offers data centers in Poland and Spain, so they go further north, south and east in Europe than current cloud partners, at least the sanely priced ones.
Anonymous commented
Please, just add Upcloud! It has Data centers closer to Africa than the rest. It will benefit your African users. The DC in Madrid!
Mikko Paltamaa commented
This would be really nice! Both because of their performance and also because they have servers in Finland, which the other infrastructure providers do not have.
(Or Google might also have, but you can't select that location with Cloudways.)
IT commented
yes please
Gareth commented
yes please
Anonymous commented
Yes Yes Yes. Just do it or lose customers. It is up to you.
Ruben commented
UpCloud, please! These guys rock so please make it happen soon. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Yes we need upcloud
Anonymous commented
UpCloud is great
Viktor Szépe commented
UpCloud is an enterprise provider, not a popular one like the "known" ones.
After taking measurements at 160 providers, all my clients are at UpCloud
https://github.com/szepeviktor/wordpress-speedtest -
Stella McGovern commented
+1 for UpCloud. Having more choices is always a good thing.
Paul Aswad commented
+1 billion for UpCloud! Can't believe this has been open for so long and still nothing! I just heard about them and heard better things than the ones I use ;-)
Let's bring them in!!!
Marcus Quinn commented
https://d2c.io now has Upcloud.com integration too.
You need a replacement for Kyup - and Upload is much faster from our testing!
Anonymous commented
Id like to see UpCloud as provider also
Denis Gomes Franco commented
Hey Cloudways, your competitor RunCloud.io has just announced UpCloud integration...