Offer the 1.6.x branch of Prestashop alongside the 1.7
The latest version of Prestashop is 1.7. However it is a large departure from the 1.6 codebase.
There are currently very very few themes/addons with full compatibility right now.
You should offer the 1.6.x branch for installation alongside the 1.7.
Similar to what you offer with magento with the 1.9.x and the 2.0.x releases
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NermalaKhan commented
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Ian commented
Everyone looking at this, check out Thirty Bees which is now available on Cloudways. It's a fork of PS 1.6.1.x that fixes a huge number of PS bugs and has wildly better performance than PS 1.6 ever had. Many PS modules are fully compatible, others need minor changes. Same for themes. Development is ongoing and the community is growing!
Alessio commented
Prestashop 1.7.X versions still have a lot of errors and bugs.
Anonymous commented
<Bump> This would be a very useful feature