Add to CloudwaysCDN DDoS Protection and WAF
Now that there is a Partnership With StackPath this shouldn't be hard. Add another option, charge more, but add the possibility please. If you look at the comments about CloudwaysCDN on the Facebook Group and on the blogpost about it you'll see there is a demand for it.

Scot commented
Having just spoken with support about an issue that would have benefitted from WAF/DDoS protection, I would definitely be willing to pay cloudways for this service.
Personally, I do not want to repoint my DNS away to another service that I have to maintain for numerous clients... I want it all in house (via stackpath like the CDN would be perfect)
Fabio Fava commented
I totally agree with that. We could pay another USD 1 per month to have ourselves and all customers protected. I assume every WordPress Site manager will hire it for every site! Please Cloudways, no more "extras" like Sucuri or CloudFlare! They takeover DNS, redirect traffic... Not fair! Cloudways WAF to all users! Please!