Add a Quick-Tour for new users
I would like to suggest a quick-start-tour and/or more info bubbles explaining/defining each option and fill-in box.
I'm a new customer I was lost when setting up my first server. The process is simple and straight forward, but I didn't understand what were applications, servers, projects and how they related to each other.
Applications I figured were wordpress installs, magneto installs, etc. But how was the application name going to be used? is it going to be directory name for the application install on the server or is it just the name used to manage and organize things on cloudways interface? And how did projects relate to this? What are the rules for projects? Can only applications go into project or can also servers? What is the purpose of projects?
And then I see on the menu bar there is Team, CloudwaysBot, Add-ons. In my mind im thinking "what the heck are those things and how to they relate to servers, projects, applications, what are they used for?
Where do I go to manage billing? How does billing work? I use to have a digitalocean account so I know how it works but if this was my first time using something like this I would not know.
What is "what's new" and "share love"?
More importantly, what does "add channel" do? Sounds kind of important but I have no idea what it is.
I thought "It would be nice if there was a quick-start page or tour explaining the important features and definitions of your system." Unfortunately, there isn't. If I wanted to get that info I either would have to start a live chat which is no problem because your customer service on live chat is great. But not only is this approach slow for me, it also costs your company money. The other option is to look up each individual feature on your knowledge-base and figure it out which is kind of a hassle.
One way to deploy this idea is to walk through setting up a sample server for new users on the website. Another option is to have a quick-features tour in your knowledge base in written format with pictures. Another option would be to have a short 2-3 minute video explaining each feature and they are used. You could host the video on Youtube and insert it into an article in your knowledge base. You could do a quick start tour that takes a person from setting up their first server and accessing it. And you can have another detailed tour explaining and defining each feature and options in the cloudways account/interface.
I blabbered on long enough ':D I hope this stimulates ideas for you guys :)

AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Thanks Branden .Nice ideas. Worth considering.