Breez minifiy should have URL Options to select // or http or https
I really like wp breeze plugin, but the css minificatino option should be improved.
Breeze css minification should have URL options to select // or http or https because I need to force https.
I have problem with my theme will not display font awesome social icon correctly, because breeze css minify use // instead of https. I have to use other css minify instead of breeze. If breeze have this feature it will be better.
We had resolved in 1.1.7 Please refer to our changelog
Cloudways Team
Jack commented
Agree, this is really a problem that every time I have to jump from the version to and back. Such an improvement would be the solution.
Jorge Bastidas commented
You are able to type https:// into the cdn field and it will force all urls to be secured. Hope that helps.