When editing credit card details indicate going to another site
When I go to change my credit card details it takes me to this site:https://live.adyen.com/hpp/pay.shtml
from this page
It's an off-site page that is not part of the domain --
- 1) minimum there should be a message on the link to say going to a 3rd party trusted site --- -2) can it not be kept on the domain somehow
**) NOW I am left wondering WHO is taking care of my credit card details !!!
- who is adyen.com
- what privacy info do they store about me
- what access do I have to that info
etc etc etc ...
Rick Kevin commented
It's important to always be cautious when dealing with third-party payment processors. If you're concerned about your credit card details and privacy, you might want to consider looking into how credit offers work with trusted companies like https://getmyoffer-capital-one.com. CapitalOne ensures secure platforms for managing card details and provides transparency about their services and privacy policies. Always check the privacy policies of any site you visit to ensure your data is protected.