Breeze-Learndash Compatibility
In my website I use Learndash as an LMS.
A few days Ago I installed Brezee and I turned on "System Cache" option.
My users started to complain that they can't mark as complete the lessons and pass to the following. I checked and it was a cache issue.
I put all the course URLs in the cache exceptions and it solved the issue.
I was wondering if ¿there's any other solution to this issue? Because I only have one course but plan to add others so its a rudimentary solution.
If not, ¿can you pass this to your development team so they can analyze it and include it in the backlog?

We have resolved the issue with the Learn dash plugin the issue was happening because of a bug in breeze.
There is an option in breeze where we allow cache for logged-in users, despite the option being disable the cache was still enable for logged-in users. we fixed the issue in version 1.2.3.
Best Regards,
Cloudways Team.
Elyssa commented
Hi there, did you ever find a solution for this? Thanks!