Allow us to manage Cloudflare Enterprise domain settings (page rules, bot protection, IP whitelisting, etc.)
I'm currently using the WP Hide & Security Enhancer plugin to change the urls and file structures of my WordPress Install (using block and URL re-wire techniques). For more information on the plugin please see:
This may be incompatible with the 'default' setup of the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise add-on as I now have a different URL for the WP Admin, Plugins etc. I need to be able to bypass cache for the custom URL's that I've set. I also need to be able to whitelist IP's and set up bot protection. There seems to be no way to do this with the Cloudflare Enterprise add-on integration.
Previously, when using Cloudflare directly, I could also make use of the Cloudflare Wordpress Plugin; setting it to automatically clear cache when making updates and changes to the website. There seems to be no way to link the Cloudflare WordPress plugin to the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise domain. I now have to log into Cloudways, go to the app's Cloudflare settings and manually clear the cache.
Please provide us with greater access for managing Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise domain settings!
Please work with Cloudflare to implement a way to link the Cloudflare Wordpress plugin to the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise domain so that we can make use of the plugin's automated cache clearing, etc.

Ankita Vetma commented
Wonderful blog will also experience how