Update the Breeze plugin to include a setting to clear cache from a mobile browser (It's currently only possible on desktop)
I ran into trouble today when I made an important time-sensitive update to a site while away from my desktop and needed to clear cache in order for the update to show on the front-end.
Accessing the wp-admin via mobile, on the mobile browser does not show the Breeze top admin menu, thus I was unable to clear the cache via mobile. I had to get on support chat, provide the support tech with admin login details and ask them to clear the Breeze cache for me. This is less than ideal.
Please update the Breeze Plugin to provide buttons on the Breeze Settings/Tools page for clearing cache. Currently, the only way to clear the cache is through the top admin dropdown menu - this menu only shows on Desktop. It's not possible to clear cache via a mobile browser.
Please update Breeze and add buttons to the Breeze admin settings/tools page for the following:
"Purge All Cache"
"Purge Internal Cache"
"Purge Object Cache"
"Purge Varnish Cache"
The fact that this is only available in the top admin dropdown menu, and can't be seen/done through a mobile browser is troublesome. Please fix this!

A Group commented
I am facing same Purge issue as Breeze doesn't Purge cache automatically as different user update/add contents at different times so i have to purge cache manually each time which is hectic, and Cloudways has no solution to this problem other than using Cloudflare addon to get around this problem. I reduce the Purge Cache After 2 minutes for now which is utilizing server recourses.
This is frustrating and major problem i am seriously thinking of moving away from Cloudways as their support seems not to be that good now as it was before, I already launched new sites with different providers. for 10 hours i had no response from Cloudways and then it took them another 12 hours to get back While all this time I contacted them on live chat and they informed me they are working on only to tell me after 12 that i should upgrade to Cloudflare CDN for auto purge to work. This is not a solution? for all this time I was taken for a ride by chat & support team?
Very disappointed. Next time you want to get their attention give them bad rating on live chat and support guy will give you a call back and will rudely ask you why you gave him bad rating.. They don't have a solution and expect 5 start rating.
mcdwrapoftheday commented
The Breeze plugin should enhance mobile functionality by adding buttons for "Purge All Cache," "Purge Internal Cache," "Purge Object Cache," and "Purge Varnish Cache" on the Settings/Tools page. Relying on desktop access for cache management is inconvenient for urgent updates. For more details on this feature request, check out this https://mtnguide.ng/.
DIVYA JOSHI commented
also if possible write documentation post on clearing cache via API.
there is a option to enable in the plugin but API endpoint is not mentioned anywhere
Muhammad zahid commented
Let's use Meet to video chat: https://duo.app.goo.gl/9RNjALP
Muhammad Owais Alam commented
While you update post/page/Product, Breeze automatically purge the cache.
Breeze automatically purge internal cache after X minutes. By default this is set to 1440 minutes (1 day).
You may change time frame through option "Purge Cache After".You may also clear cache by click on Save Changes button under Breeze settings.
Raymond Brigleb commented
Same. This is a HUGE problem for our client, who launches products at odd hours and generally only has their phone to clear the cache... and it’s not possible in Breeze!!