Add Our Own Cloud Provider Accounts
Provide an option to use our own Amazon or Digital Ocean accounts. This way we own the cloud server.

Please read our comment for reasoning on it.
Cloudways Team
Tevya Washburn - FS commented
That makes a lot of sense to me. That's one thing I like a lot about CW click&go: I can't screw things up, or get too deep into things. I'm also glad it keeps everything uniform, so you can apply updates, etc, without worrying about breaking somebody's server. I support your decision on this one.
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Dear customers and friends, unluckily we have decided to drop this option for our Click&Go platform. The reasoning behind it is explained here: always, we do really appreciate your feedback and we carefully assess what you ask for and if and how we can achieve it. We don't think it would be wise for us in this case to try to deploy this capability. We will focus in other things that you are asking instead!
Thanks again for your insights.
Cloudways Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Merged in error. Recreating original.
Cloudways Team
Anonymous commented
I have many inherited benefits from being an early Digital Ocean member to use my own pre-existing account. Not only the "ownership" of the server in case one service decides to shutdown. Having a partnership with Digital Ocean with their new API is supposed to allow you to transfer server "ownership" between Digital Ocean accounts. Which means that sort of service should be possible.
Tevya Washburn - FS commented
This makes a lot of sense, since CW says that using other people's cloud services is an advantage. They claim that it means if they go away for some reason, we don't loose our data. The problem is, they are the account holder. So if they go away, we do loose our data.
On the other hand, if we have access to mess around with our own cloud account, couldn't we screw things up and make their lives miserable trying to fix our mistakes? I dunno, maybe we already have that much access via the SSH terminal...?