Allow Supervisor installation for laravel queue workers
As Laravel mention in its docs, to keep a queue worker deamon alive, you have to confgure supervizor.. Laravel Forge has in its default app stack supervizor installed and a UI for its config.
Please install supervizor in laravel stack apps, Redis is great, and thank you, but we still need supervizor to keep queues deamon alive
Queues are used for jobs, event handling, mails, notifications
Support for supervisor is now available on Cloudways Platform. At the moment it is only supported for Laravel apps
Please read KB below for instructions.
Cloudways Team
w5m commented
Does this feature allow me to keep Laravel Horizon active?
Ladislav Kubes commented
What? This is some mistake, right? If I have application built on Symfony framework and using real queue server like Rabbit MQ, then I am out of luck? Why? Why this limitation to Redis and Laravel??
Nick commented
Excited to know when this will actually be up.
Alex commented
Any news ?
Anonymous commented
Has this been released as yet?
Jagadishwar commented
I am looking forward for the release ...
Tom commented
Please can we have an update on this?
Jasmine commented
I am looking forward to this release on Sept 15, 2017 and I have projects on hold until then =)
Michelangelo Belfiore commented
Very interest in this me too !!
please keep us up to date.
Jagadishwar commented
Any update on this please ...this is really important features that is required for laravel apps
Alex commented
Any update on this ? I will have to create my "production" environment in the next 1-2 weeks. Are you close to offer this anytime soon?
King Arthur commented
Try the following commad it will keep it alive
nohup php artisan queue:work &
Alex commented
Is there any update on this ? Confirmed intention to add it ?
Any roadmap ?We are goint to decide if Cloudway is ok for our Laravel app, and supervisord is a mst.
Thanks -
Butch Ewing commented
I was able to set it up as a scheduled task CRON job. You can use Task Scheduling to schedule Artisan commands and operating system commands. As described here:
I added the following to App\Console\Kernel.php:
$schedule->command('queue:work --daemon')->everyMinute()->withoutOverlapping();
```Then, I created an advanced CRON job in my Cloudways Application Console:
* * * * * php /home/path-to-application/application-id/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
``` -
Butch Ewing commented
Tom Barrington commented
Hi, please can we have an update on this? I am in the process of migrating some of my laravel apps from Forge over to Cloudways, however cannot proceed until Supervisor is available.
Tom -
Nick commented
Glad to hear this is under review!
Zero commented
This is essential part for laravel worker. Please install it asap.
Anonymous commented
I am about to launch my Laravel app and this is an essential part. Cloudways looks great and I'm all ready to sign up. BUT - I need this to go ahead. Otherwise I am having to really consider Forge.
Clive commented
This is a fundamental building block in my Laravel application too.