15% off for lifetime only for new customers. It's totally not fair for the old customers!

Paul McCann commented
I have to add to this as it being unfair, after raising prices on existing customers, then to offer new ones a lifetime discount is a kick in the teeth.
I run a number of websites for small local organisations and moved them all to cloudways this year, working out the monthly cost, I bill them annually on a non profit basis, so the price rise hit me hard as I had to absorb that increase. But to see new customers being offered lifetime incentives is really difficult to take and whether I want to continue as a customer.
Wahib commented
Do something about this.
Vic commented
I share Tevya's sentiment.
I love the CloudWays platform and your support is top notch.
But to offer 15% to new customers while ignoring the people who are paying your bills TODAY is an ungrateful gesture.
Fauzi Rakhmat commented
Also, there is no promo for current customers :/
Anonymous commented
I'm afraid timbre right.
Timbre Design commented
Whenever a company disregards customer loyalty it does not bode well for it's longevity. It takes much more effort and money to gain new customers than keep old ones, especially in a highly competitive industry like hosting. So in short either Cloudways will learn from this major misstep (and I really do hope they will) or they will go the way of the dinosaurs.
Anonymous commented
I can't sign up now
Al commented
Agreed! So the excuse of putting the price up because it's not viable at current costs is then offered for less than the original cost as $4.50 = 15% from $32 is $27.50 (less than the original $30) based on 2x$15 servers. What a disgraceful way to treat existing customers you raised the price on...
Tevya Washburn - FS commented
As I said on Facebook:
I was just fine with them increasing some prices. But now I'm upset. Offering great deals to new signups and leaving your long time clients in the cold is one of my pet peeves. I've expressed my frustration around this to them before and they seemed sympathetic, but now it feels like it was fake sympathy.
If they can afford to give a lifetime discount like this, then they should have only raised prices for all new customers/servers! This is a jerk move that sends the clear message that they don't care all that much about us long-time customers!
I, for one, have put up with a lot of garbage (like WooCommerce not working before there was an app for it, in spite of a blog post telling you how to set it up) and been very patient with them. I've made many suggestions that were implemented, identified bugs, and much, much more. If this is how they show their appreciation (raising prices for us, but giving new signups a nice discount), I may have to think very seriously about leaving.
As I said, I was fine with the price increase. For me it's not about the money. It's the principle of the matter and what this says about CW's culture and it's lack of appreciation for its long time clients that have helped make CW what it is today. I thought CW was different than all those other big companies who only care about acquiring new clients. This appears to prove me wrong. Please reverse this CW! Show us you care about us!
Give us all the 15% lifetime discount automatically.