Add PHP 5.5x to your stack options
My developer is asking me for a stack option using PHP 5.5x, it would be great this could be offered on ClicknGo platforms especially considering PHP is recommending 5.4 to be phased out:

Default applications are launched with PHP 5.5 From Server Settings & Packages section you can now upgrade to 5.6 or downgrade to 5.4 ( plus upgrade mysql, replace it with mariadb and deploy redis).
Cloudways Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
KB related to this feature: Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
The PCRE issue has been fixed in newly released PHP 5.5 packages. This is being deployed to all our servers, so this problem will be no more in the coming hours as soon as deployment has been completed to all servers.
Cloudways Team
fgilio commented
Seems like there might be a solution:
fgilio commented
Wow, awesome news!
I'm testing it right now -
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Default applications are launched with PHP 5.5 From Server Settings & Packages section you can now upgrade to 5.6 or downgrade to 5.4 ( plus upgrade mysql, replace it with mariadb and deploy redis).
Cloudways Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
Yes, we are aware of that and working to fix it.
Cloudways Team
fgilio commented
Guys there is a bug in PHP version 5.5.25:
This generates problems in this like the CF7 WordPress plugin:
Ladislav Kubes commented
Cloudways Team: Greate news! I just updated my account and looking for first app to deploy :)
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
All NEW servers are deployed with 5.5. Option to upgrade to 5.6 or downgrade to 5.4 will be available within next three weeks.
Cloudways Team
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
This is going to happen very soon. You will have option to choose php 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6 Mysql 5.5, 5.6 or Mariadb 5.5, 10.0. Redis will be option also in the same way.
Cloudways Team
David Allen commented
the lack of 5.5 is hindering my site. Upgrading would be appreciated
AdminCloudways (Admin, Cloudways) commented
We are looking into it. Just wanted to say that there is absolutely no security issue. We use Debian stable (Wheezy) and Debian is well-known for its security stance and back-porting any patch if needed.
But as said, we are looking into options for people that want newer releases of PHP.
Cloudways Team
Ladislav Kubes commented
I think this is going to be issue soon."Don't follow and react, lead and be proactive."
Steven commented
Supporting PHP 5.6 in addition to 5.5 would be even better.
Antonio Carlos Sousa Ferreira commented
Cloudways follow's Debian updates...
Peter commented
come on Cloudways :) this is a must today ;) + MariaDB as bonus :)