Instead of offering a reseller option they should offer a discount on long-term use (like GC do) or on the amount of VMs deployed. The pricing on GC instances don't really add up, the margin from a 1.7GB shared VM to a 3.75GB VM is pretty extreme. Don't get me wrong, it is a great platform for those who don't want to manage servers but I feel transparency on pricing is needed. I am still weighing up the odds of using Cloudways vs ServerPilot.
Instead of offering a reseller option they should offer a discount on long-term use (like GC do) or on the amount of VMs deployed. The pricing on GC instances don't really add up, the margin from a 1.7GB shared VM to a 3.75GB VM is pretty extreme. Don't get me wrong, it is a great platform for those who don't want to manage servers but I feel transparency on pricing is needed. I am still weighing up the odds of using Cloudways vs ServerPilot.