I've like to be able to adjust and fine tune the configuration of NginX
One of our more complicated pages stopped working, googling the issue pointed to nginx being the/a problem, however we cannot adjust any of these settings and CW support seems to struggle to investigate issues related to it.
Above are some of the useful commands that may or may not help us, however we cannot even test them to see which ones fix our issues of ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM
I've like to be able to adjust and fine tune the configuration of NginX
One of our more complicated pages stopped working, googling the issue pointed to nginx being the/a problem, however we cannot adjust any of these settings and CW support seems to struggle to investigate issues related to it.
Above are some of the useful commands that may or may not help us, however we cannot even test them to see which ones fix our issues of ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM